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Wondering if these behaviors of my little chow puppy are normal

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 3:03 pm
by user8555
Hey All,

We have a 4-month old cream chow. We observe the following behaviors. We are wondering if they are normal or something of concern:

1. He is always hungry and extremely food motivated. We feed him 2 times a day - 8AM and then 5PM with some treats while playing and training during the day
2. When he gets bored he likes to soft-bite us to invite us to play with him. We either put him in a play pen then or have to play with him for him to stop biting us
3. Until now we were keeping him in the play pen / crate most of the day. Recently we have started letting him roam freely in the home since he seems to be better at pee/poop outside and not having accidents at home these days. However, what we are finding is that he likes to sleep anywhere on the floor and not necessarily go back to the crate to sleep. Do Chows generally sleep anywhere or they like to go to crate to sleep?


Re: Wondering if these behaviors of my little chow puppy are normal

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:15 pm
by Minney79
although I have only had my chow chow 4 weeks he's 6 months old and a rescue.

I find he likes to lay either on the kitchen floor where it's cool or beside the couch in the living room. I only crate him at meal times and if I have to leave the house for a length of time rest of the time he's free to roam. As he was stuck in a bedroom all day most days and only fed X2 daily he's was was food resourcing when he came to me I feed him small portion X4 daily with treats in-between while training which he is responding to very well. now he knows he is getting food regular and isn't locked up all day and can roam about freely he is a total different pup. he didn't know how to play or anything when I got him now he plays with my 10 month labrador and they both get on really well I hope this helps. I have also found he loves soft toys to play with.