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What's the ideal amount of socialization? Ways to correct bad behavior?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:32 am
by TumChow
So my chow is 4 months, and I try socializing him by taking him to PetSmart every week, happy visits to the vet, walks around different neighborhoods, and I usually pick him up for others to pet and greet him. He usually only barks and stand at a distance but he never tried to bite someone, but today a lady was trying to greet him and he snipped at her for the first time (luckily she moved back in time) which was weird because he went up to her and licked her but once she tried to pet him he got aggressive. I try to go by the NILF training method, so how would i go about discipline when he does something wrong in the moment. Is it because of his age that he's seeking new aggression, because I noticed that he would try me for the "alpha spot" is this potentially a reason for this new aggression as he is entering his teenage months?