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STAPH infection

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:55 pm
by Zhuyos mom
For you, Stephanie, Bear and others-

Hi, I need some help. Recently, my mom and I noticed that our chow, Bear, didn't look quite right. Tonight, we gave him a through exam. He has a huge pus-like pocket on his right elbow, smaller pockets on his tail and back, small red spots between his toes on both front feet, and hair missing on his underbelly. He has been suffering from seborrhea (high form of mange) for several years now, so he has been missing most of his hair since he was about 3 (in human years). It kind of helps us to see the pockets. The one on his elbow is very painful to him since he flinches every time we touch an area around it. He seems to have no problems or pain walking. The pocket on his elbow is firm, but not completely solid. There's a red dot on it, but when squeezed won't let anything out. He has been licking at his toes for a year, and about a year ago his right paw bled severely for no reason. Please help me....My guess is that my parents and I thought that it was cancer because Kali had cancer and had spots like Bear....Actually, we don't wash him. Our bathroom is too small, he hates water except for drinking, and dislikes having hand contact, (until recently)...Well, Bear's health seems to be falling downhill. I almost got my mom to make an appointment, but, alas, she's sided with my dad.....which is letting him have a good rest of his life, which they think won't even make it to his 9th birthday! I'm so angry at my parents! I want them to take him in because I think they are wrong. He's developed a new abscess on his left's the size of my palm. I'm so lost....what can I do?!?

Hi Stephanie!

I brought your posts to PBnZ's vet. From the first paragraph he already knew what it was. Bear has and is suffering from a staph infection. Very severe and it is already extremely infected. You should get your parents to take Bear to his vet asap. If your vet confirms this, then PBnZ's vet suggests that Bear needs to be put on medication called Simplicef. It's chemical name is (for your vet's knowledge) cefpodoxine proxefil. It is manufactured by Pfizer. 200mg for 30 days. 100mg is fine too but from your posts PBnZ's vet reads that the infection has set in and Bear should be put on the higher dose. Actually, dosage is also by weight and I told him Bear is probably standard chow weight of 50lbs (PB is 56lbs and Zhu is 70lbs, but he's a big boy!). Bear also needs a good shampooing. Your Vet might have a good shampoo for this problem. The medicine PBnZ's vet suggests are what the doctors at UC Davis Veterinary School and Hospital recommend and are using for Staph Infections. It is a very highly regarded vet school here in California (near where Jennifer and Sheena live). He also said that while you are at Bear's vet, you should also get general blood work done on Bear to reconfirm his "thyroid" problem.

Hope this info helps you. Now remember Stephanie, PBnZ's vet might be wrong because he's only going by your post. However, at least it is something you can ask Bear's vet about and you don't have to worry that it's cancer he is ailing from.

Web sites to read up: ... ensit.html

As always, good luck! I hope your parents listen to what your heart is telling you.