My chows have all gone home now-Li'l Bit, Buster, and Brandy

Remember our beloved Chow Chows that have passed on.

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My chows have all gone home now-Li'l Bit, Buster, and Brandy

Post by RosyWorld »

It's hard to write this post, but even harder not to. We acquired 2 red chows, along with a chow mix over the last 15 years. We moved a year ago with all our family intact, 3 dogs and 3 cats (always separated!). Built a big yard for the dogs, even though they spent most of the day indoors, sleeping close to where I worked. I am so sorry that I had my office upstairs in the new house. I would trade this new house for the old one, with all the memories, and my dogs sleeping in my office downstairs in a second.

Now, we have no dogs left. My beloved Li'l Bit passed away 3 months after we moved. The vet said she probably had a twisted stomach. Her tummy seemed a little distended when I called her in to leave and do some errands one day. I was gone 2 hours and I when I came back, she was gone. I do think that she breathed a sigh when I touched her, though. I won't go into details, but I was so devastated and guilt-ridden that I wasn't there for her. She was 13 and I miss her absolutely. So regal, she thought she was a lion. We brought a boy chow into the home 5 years later. I see know that this was a mistake. She just barely tolerated him. She would have been happy to be the only dog in our household. But Buster was a special needs pup and could hardly see. He would curl up against her to feel safe. He grew into a beautiful, protective dog. Believe me, we never had unwanted salesmen to our house with his bark! He got stomach cancer at 8 years. We spent thousand trying to cure him, but he had Stage IV cancer before we knew he was sick. He stopped eating, but was still so dignified and never complained. I am so amazed at the capacity of dogs to endure without complaining. I can only hope to be more like a dog when my time comes.

Our other girl, Brandy, passed away 2 weekends ago. Brandy had multiple problems that the vet couldn't fix. Each time, the illness so was so unexpected. And every time, I felt like I let one of my friends go. We found Brandy at a shelter 15 years ago. They were about to euthanize her, because she had a partly black tongue! She was a real trooper, too, and lived her life with gusto. Even though the dogs must have know Li'l Bit was my favorite, they still got my attention, too. As each dog passed away, I put give the other ones left so much more attention.

All this in such a short time has put me into such a deep, despondent state that I have to set aside time to grieve and force myself to not think about my babies during the day. They trusted me, they gave their all to please me, and I berate myself that I should have seen something coming sooner. I go through the motions day by day and still mourn for them. My walking buddies, all there for me when my world was sad, there they were to smile and wag their tails! I won't go on with my sadness here, though. I believe my dogs are in heaven with God and I know I will see them again, without the illness and pain. I picture them running in health and I then I break down again. How to get through this? Impossible for me, without God. I know you have all been through the same thing with your chows. Bless you for taking these beautiful creatures into your home and loving them. They are indeed special dogs. I hope to read all your stories one day. For now, I can't bear to. My husband wants to get 2 other chows. I am not ready. Will I ever be ready?

Thanks for letting me write these probably incoherent words.

I love you still, Li'l Bit, Buster, and Brandy. I will see you all soon!

Love, your mom
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Re: My chows have all gone home now-Li'l Bit, Buster, and Br

Post by reddog »

Sending you my deepest, heartfelt sympathy. As I read through your moving post about the loss of your beloved fur babies tears trickled down my cheeks. Each and every one of them will always hold a special place in your heart and in the memory box of your mind.. Just losing one chow is devastating! I lost my beloved Chloe over 3 ½ years ago when she was 15.

Some people will say they know how you feel, but they really don’t. I understand your state of depression and need for time to grieve. After I lost my beloved Chloe I felt so lost, alone and the ache was so deep. It had been just the 2 of us for roughly 13 years. I didn’t know if I’d ever consider getting another dog. A few months after she was gone I started getting a nudging feeling to look for another chow. I sincerely feel it was Chloe’s spirit nudging me. Her spirit was reminding/telling me that I had rescued her when she was 2 years old and that I had given her a good home, a good life and now it was time for me to do the same for another chow. I happened to come across Chow Chow .org . It is such a great “neighborhood” of chow lovers! I lucked out! I found and rescued my current chow, Whitby, through it.

May it give you some comfort to know that down the road when your time comes to leave this earth that your pups will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Think of all the tails wagging and purple kisses you will be given. What a joyful time that will be!

Run free Li’l Bit Buster & Brandy

You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending you a warm, comforting hug and purple kisses
Pam & Whitby
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