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Chow puppy slams elbow. HELP!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:10 am
by Tika
My 8 month old chow (Solomon) is just perfect. I have no complaints. I do however am concerned about his elbows. Every time he gets down to sit or sleep, he bangs his elbow on the floor. For example, he bangs his left elbow when he is getting down to sit on his left side and bangs his right elbow when he gets down to sit on his right side. He has always done this even when he was really young. But now that he is heavier and bigger, we notice the sound of his elbow hitting the ground even louder. We have hardwood floors and he bangs his elbow. It is loud enough that I can hear it every time he gets down on the floor to sit or sleep. I am concerned that this continued impact on his elbows can negatively affect him. Has anyone else experienced this with their chow? I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks :)

Re: Chow puppy slams elbow. HELP!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:56 pm
by Rory's Dad
Yep, my female is a slammer. She just plops down wherever and whenever it pleases her. Not a ton of grace in that one. She's a sloppy drinker as well.

I don't worry too much about it. Someday it may come to be an issue, but I figure it's just Amber being Amber. It's the way she is and her general behavior and I have no idea what I could do to change it anyway.

Re: Chow puppy slams elbow. HELP!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:21 am
by Tika
Thank you very much for your reply!! I guess my chow is not the only one who slams his elbow. We are trying to carpet the floor as much as possible especially in areas where he likes to sit. Hopefully that will minimize the impact. Thanks again! I love my chow to bits!!

Re: Chow puppy slams elbow. HELP!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:23 pm
by chowpups
My chow Nikki did the same thing she was not graceful laying down for sure! She never had any issues with her legs at all, but she only lived for 4 years so I don't know what it would have done later in years. We did carpet and we still could hear her laying down at times! I think carpeting will help some.