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4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:35 am
by Bucksey9
Hi their guys I have a 4 month old female chow who pulls all the time on the lead and jumps on every person who walks past, we try so many things to stop her from pulling by watching so many youtube tutorials ie if she's pulling change direction and go the other way, if she pulls stop and wait 10 seconds then carry on walking and keep doing it until she learns to stop pulling. But we have tried all them things and she still pulling! #-o I don't know maybe it's because she's only 4 months old? I hope she matures as she grows up and stops pulling but at the minute it's no pleasure to walk with her as she is very strong for a 4 month old and it's only going to get harder as she grows as she will get even stronger then. Walking her is not something to look forward to on a daily basis. I would be so grateful is anyone can give me some advice or tips I would truly appreciate that :mrgreen: thanks xx

Re: 4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:37 am
by DrewBear
My pup is a similar age. He will pull when something really interests him and does want to sniff each person we pass, but he's not a jumper. I think the training videos you mention usually use a high-level treat to get the pups attention. My pup now responds to "uh-uh" as a warning to stop doing something, so there's not usually an issue in controlling him on walks. I do use an easy walk harness that clips on the front. A steady pull will physically turn him aside on those occasions where a verbal cue doesn't work.

He pulls most strongly & persistently when he wants to greet another dog. If that's not an option (dog on the other side of street, dog growling, etc.), I will crouch down and physically restrain him with my hands while allowing him to watch the dog pass. It'll take more training to prevent him pulling on such occasions.

I would keep her on a short leash when you walk by people. I'm sure you've already seen the many videos about jumping. The starting point is to prevent her from being able to jump in the first place by stepping on the leash so she can't jump. Practice the "off" cue whenever guests visit you at home. Reward her when she doesn't even attempt a jump, even though the leash prevents her. Gradually give her slack on the leash.

Most of the training should be done at home where there are fewer distractions. I know that's hard because you want to walk with your puppy. It might help if you can bleed off some energy before a walk; maybe run with her for a while with a long leash in an open field? You could also try walking in an area with fewer people & dogs to distract her. In any case walks will need to be a training session for now; not exactly fun, but that's what is needed in order to build up to a "proper" walk.

Re: 4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:48 am
by Pinoy51
agree with Drewbear. Also the start of the walk is important. your Pup should be calm before the door opens for the walk. if she is overly excited jumping up and down etc. don't start the walk.
Then you go first through the door and invite her to follow. you have to establish leadership for the walk.
You lead your dog follows not the other way around. It is absolutely right that this training has to start at home not in the street. Practice NILIF (nothing in life is free) with her. She really needs to sit down and be calm otherwise no walk. then walk straight for at least 10 minutes no stop, this will drain energy. only then you can let her sniff here and there. Of course if she needs to her business you need to stop anytime that's necessary.
Once you come home you go-in first, make her sit to remove the harness or leash.

Re: 4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:03 am
by Bucksey9
She is quite calm when I take her for a walk but when my mum takes her I think she pulls more with her I don't know why.

I'm training her to walk beside me in a heel position by stopping and waiting 10 seconds if she pulls. I notice it's kinda of helping but I have to do it about 12 times sometimes for her to fully understand what I want from her.

Thanks so much drewbear and pinoy51 for your time to write to me by giving me some advice and a few good tips :) I really do appreciate it! :mrgreen:

I will keep you posted on how well her obedience training is going and if she improves in the up coming months! Thanks you guys xxxxx

- Rob

Re: 4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:43 pm
by Ursa's daddy
Practice, practice, practice. My two are hyper when I first put the harnesses on them. They have to smell and mark everything in sight. It takes about 5 minutes for them to work this out and calm down. I have a foster, and he is worse. I have done the changing of directions with him, and the stop and wait when he pulls. He is getting better, and I can actually take all three of them out for a walk, each of them on a separate leash. The first 5 minutes is a mess, but eventually they all settle down. I do keep a pocket full of kibbles for treats. My experience has been that you just have to work with the dogs. The longer the walks, the better mine get until Ursa gets tired and then she wants to lie down.

Re: 4 month old chow puppy pulls all the time on walks

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:25 am
by Bucksey9
Oh thanks for your advice ursa's daddy, I will bear that in mind :) I mean my Keekee is actually really improving when going on walks since I wrote this question on this chow forum. She pulls less now, I think she's beginning to learn that it's not acceptable to pull on walks! Haha she is very clever and has a lot of character for a 4 and a half month old chow pup. Thanks for all your messages I really appreciate it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: xxxxx

- Rob