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I am sad!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:46 pm
by Judy Fox
I am sad this evening. :(
My daughter Carolyn sent me a message to tell me that her old boy, "Laddie Dawson" was sent off to The Happy Hunting Ground earlier today.
He was a rescue about 13 years ago and they thought he was about 4yrs old then so that made him about 17yrs. old.
He was a lovely dog - a feisty mutt but we all loved him and he loved Carolyn's grandchildren and even to the last would lie and watch them play and put up with their pats.
We always called him by his full name - Laddie Dawson not just Laddie.
So another one at the Rainbow Bridge when our time comes. :)

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:33 pm
by Piff Poff
:( :( :(

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:02 am
by Constantina
I am glad he lived a longer life being loved and I am sure was truly happy. He was lost and wandering for 4 but cherished for 13! That is a wonderful story. He is probably telling his friends over at the Rainbow bridge how great his life was.

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:17 pm
by Cocoa
Judy, I'm sorry to hear about Laddie Dawson, sounds like he had a good life with your daughter though.
Haven't seen much of you on here lately, how are the lovely Miss M's?

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:51 pm
by Tippsy'smom
I'm so sorry to hear that Judy...

God speed Laddie Dawson!

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:48 am
by Judy Fox
Thank you all. :)
Laddie Dawson did have a lovely life. It is always sad when a much loved pet dies - but there we go - c'est la vie.
I have not been around much lately - no reason really - just seem to be busy.
The M's are fine and happy - bit fed up with the rain and a bit annoyed with us that they cannot have the back door open all the time so they can be outside and pop in every now and again to keep an eye on us.
Just getting ready for Christmas. No present for Laddie Dawson this year. :( He loved his presents and would demolish a toy in minutes - biting its head off, pulling its stuffing out then he would be happy with what was left. such a little character. :lol:

Re: I am sad!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:40 pm
by Auddymay
Sorry about Laddie Dawson. We only ever had one pet with a working first and last name such as this. It was my mom's tom cat Joe Miller.