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Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:45 am
by Cam Atis ... 26548.html

This is just sad. Had these dogs been in the Philippines, they would be immediately killed even with the owner is looking on or protesting.

These news are usually from the U.S. which makes me stop and think, is it really the dog breed or is it the people and the culture? I dont blame the police for banning the breed pitbull from the US to the detriment of the pitbull loving people.

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:05 pm
by Victory
Yes it is sad. It has happened here before and with other breeds as well as pit bulls. It is a part of a subculture here to own large and aggressive dogs. You can not say that there is one American culture, there isn't. There are many cultures here, and some of them are aggressive. A lot of time if someone were to try and put these or other dogs down in front of the owner, that owner might just put the person attempting it down. Or later sue.

Banning any breed doesn't work and won't work. GSDs, Rotties, Dobermans, Chows, Akitas, even Dalmations, Poodles, have all been used as attack dogs and have bad reputations, Labordors have become over bred and some have a tendency to be aggressive, no one so far is delibertly breeding aggressive Labs so far, but it could happen. There was even a case in NY where someone tried to make a Dachshund vicious by beating him with a hammer, (the dog lost an eye, and the owner was heavily fined).

It is sad and shocking when these attacks occur, but the people who own these animals, who don't train them properly, are the ones that have to be made to pay with prison time and heavy fines. Only that will stop it, breed banning won't work.

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:34 am
by wokman
Some owners of certain owner protective breeds need to think of their dogs as weapons. As with any weapon there should be training for responsible use. People are expected to be checked before being licensed for a gun or operating an automobile, both of which when used irresponsibly can cause injury or death to others, so why not for dogs. A back ground check for dogs would affect ownership of Chows too and may keep dogs from being owned by cruel and irresponsible people. Though I think such a law would be near impossible to implement, but could put an end also to irresponsible dog breeding. As is said "guns do not kill people, people kill with guns" could be applied to dogs too. It is nature; the hunted and the hunters; it is a Jungle out there and people are the most dangerous predator. :twisted: :shock: :(

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:30 am
by Fozzbear
My twopenneth: I believe that dog breeding should be liscenced and checked for compliance with those standards. If you dont intend to breed, it should be compulsory to spay or neuter your dog. They are the laws that I would pass if I was Queen Of All the World. A good breeder, of any type of breed, would not sell to a plonker who has no business owning a dog/wants to use them as a status symbol etc. The UK are just bringing in compulsory microchips - which is a good idea. The chip should also indicate who bred the dog in the first place. There really needs to be a crackdown on bad breeders, stupid owners and people who abuse animals. It sickens me that we dont protect animals in the way we should and that dogs get a bad name when aggression happens.

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:05 pm
by Cam Atis
What goes into the dog's mind that when it sees a lone human walking by the street that it goes into prey-drive mode and attacks a human without being provoked? Take note: HUMANS. Animals smaller than us have an inherent fear of people and that's how nature is.
What kind of treatment does the vile owner employs to make these dogs become such fearless attackers. Would constant starving do that to them?

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:12 pm
by wokman
An innocent Elderly Woman in dead. Two dogs obviously trained to attack anything that moves for the the purpose of protecting a patch of weeds, so someone can inhale some smoke and feel a little light headed for awhile; sickening.
Hopefully the the owner will pay the consequences, with the Federal law being applied to their weed business and the Women's death being blamed on the owner and not using the dogs as a Scape Goat for murder.

Re: Fatal pitbull attack:It's the owner not the dogs

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:23 pm
by applebear
Victory wrote:Yes it is sad. It has happened here before and with other breeds as well as pit bulls. It is a part of a subculture here to own large and aggressive dogs. You can not say that there is one American culture, there isn't. There are many cultures here, and some of them are aggressive. A lot of time if someone were to try and put these or other dogs down in front of the owner, that owner might just put the person attempting it down. Or later sue.

Banning any breed doesn't work and won't work. GSDs, Rotties, Dobermans, Chows, Akitas, even Dalmations, Poodles, have all been used as attack dogs and have bad reputations, Labordors have become over bred and some have a tendency to be aggressive, no one so far is delibertly breeding aggressive Labs so far, but it could happen. There was even a case in NY where someone tried to make a Dachshund vicious by beating him with a hammer, (the dog lost an eye, and the owner was heavily fined).

It is sad and shocking when these attacks occur, but the people who own these animals, who don't train them properly, are the ones that have to be made to pay with prison time and heavy fines. Only that will stop it, breed banning won't work.
My thoughts exactly.