Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

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Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by MochiHanoi »

I was hoping some people can guide me and offer assistance.

I have some incredibly sad news to part, our beloved Mochi passed away two nights ago on 28 April 2013. It was Mochi's first day at dog training school. Bloo bear my other chow chow had already attended for 2 weeks and had returned home the day before. Now it was Mochi's turn. I delivered Mochi to the dog training centre in Hanoi, Vietnam on Sunday morning at 10:00am. I received an sms from the trainer that Mochi had settled in nicely and was mixing with the other dogs at the school.

At 7:00pm the same night the trainer called me and said Mochi was not breathing. I was so so shocked and my heart sank, I fell to my knees and started to cry. I called the emergency vet and asked her to call the trainer to offer assistance. I drove to the dog training centre, only 5 minutes from my house, and unfortunately Mochi did not make it. His body was still warm when I arrived and I knew straight away the trainer had pushed Mochi too hard. Mochi was different to BlooBear, be liked to stroll and smell the gardens, he was not interested in walking more then 15 minutes. Everything was done in Mochi's time, when he wanted to. I loved this characteristic of Mochi however the Trainer thought he should be more disciplined.

When I arrived the trainer was crying and was in obvious shock, he had been conducting CPR on Mochi however it was not working. When I saw Mochi already Riga-mortis was setting in and his jaw was clenched tight. As you can imagine this was so hard for me to see. He was so happy in the morning entering the dog training then dead at night.

I took Mochi home with me and washed his body, combed and blow dryed his hair for 3 hours, this is one of the most traumatic experiences in my life, I have never cried so much, ever!!! MOchi was only 14 months old, and I had him from a puppy bringing in from the breeder in Beijing to Hanoi. Mochi had been part of my life even before he was born as there was a long lead time to acquire him.

The next morning I took Mochi's body to the Vet for an autopsy mainly for peace of mind, even though I knew in my heart of heart what had happened and what Mochi died from.

The Vets Autopsy states:
"Heart and Lung normal on Mochi, no possibility of drowning, strong heart so no link to heart disease or no link to getting water in his airpipe. The airpipe is collapsed on a 12 cm long stretch not in the throat more in the stomach. Cause of death Asphyxia most likely due to forceful inhalation/panting trying to cool down."

I have had Mochi cremated and this Friday I will receive his ashes then have a buddhist ceremony to bid farewell to my beloved Mochi.
I loved Mochi so much as part of my family and have been devastated by our loss of Mochi.

I am reaching out as I need people's advice on what to do with the trainer. I am due to meet him tomorrow and show him the autopsy report.
Can people please offer words of advice on what they think they would do in this circumstance. I truly believe this trainer is negligent and has not shown due diligence in looking after my chow chow.

As a buddhist this is not about revenge, as I need to release Mochi's spirit however I want to ensure this does not happen to any other dogs and dog owners. This is a horrible experience to go through.

I hope somebody reaches out to me
I have uploaded some pics of Mochi

Thank you
Bloobear and Mochi
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by chow4life »

I am sooo sorry for your loss. Mochi was beautiful. This was a senseless death that didn't need to happen. Yes, this trainer should be held accountable. Get your story out there whether it be tv news or newspaper; anywhere. Remember word of mouth is very powerful. Other people must know this so this does not happen again. He was very negligent. As a trainer he should of known chows can over heat quickly. Some chows it doesn't take much. Either he didn't know the warning signs or he didn't care. And if he didn't know the warning signs then he has no business being a trainer. And if he didn't care same goes he has no business being a trainer.The more I write the more p***** i'm getting. This story makes me furious. Please take care and once again i am so sorry this has happened to you and Mochi.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by MochiHanoi »

Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and reply to my post. I reached out to this forum as I am so distressed, not knowing what I should do. Thank you for your lovely message and your words of encouragement. It helps to know what other people think is reasonable and fair in this situation.

I realised it was too early to meet the trainer as my feelings are still so raw, I have put off our meeting for a couple more days. I will then have a very stern conversation with the trainer as this can NEVER happen again to any other dogs or dog owners. He needs to accept full responsibility for his actions.

Ahhhhh.... this is so darn difficult.

I would love to hear other peoples thoughts please if you have the time to write
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by reddog »

I agree 100% with what Chow4Life said/wrote.

My heart goes out to you and I'm sending you my deepest, heartfelt sympathy. :(

I lost my beloved Chloe two years ago and I remember how devastating it was. :( Tears still come now and then.

Take comfort in knowing that Mochi will always hold a special place in your heart and in the memory box of you mind.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and I'm sending you a comforting hug.

Take Care
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by MochiHanoi »

Hello Pam thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my posting. Well I met the trainer today and I had a stern conversation with him regarding the special needs of Chows. I am all talked out now, it's been a very torturous week.

Buddha says for deliverance a change of attitude delivers you from difficulties, the first is to forgive the misdeeds of others. The image of a powerful rainstorm washing away what is unclean. meeting others halfway with gentleness and patience. Be neither subservient nor forceful with those you encounter; simply meet everyone with tolerance and gentle goodwill. Those who look for the good in others find it there.

A harrowing week for my family however I am feeling stronger with all the love and kind messages received.
Thank you for your support and love
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by Boogie and Linda »

I don't have any advice but I did want to say how sorry I am for your loss. This is so sad to hear. Mochi was a beautiful Chow.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by MochiHanoi »

Boogie and Linda, thank you so much for replying, it means a great deal to hear from the chow community. I have been overwhelmed with the love and support I have received. I am yet to post information to my wider community as I am all talked and cried out. It si hard enough going for a walk each day with bloobear my remaining chow and I am asked "where is the white one?"... But in time all will heal.

Thank you for your strength.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by kingalls »

I know your heart must be so heavy with grief. I hope the trainer will have a better understanding of the Chow Chow now - heat is a very big problem.
God Speed, Mochi!
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by Ingrid »

Oh my god what a heartbreaking post. I am so sorry.

This is a reminder to everyone to do your own training. Join an obedience and take some classes with your dog, and don't hand over your dog to a trainer. No one knows your dog better than you.

I think i saw videos on Mochi on Youtube. What an amazing little chow chow. I am so sorry for your loss. Keep your other chow close to you and give him hugs, take him for walks and do whatever you think he will enjoy.It will help with the pain you're feeling.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by Crumpet »

I'm so sorry to hear this. I teared up just reading your post. It's one thing to lose a beloved pet due to old age and natural cuases. It's a terrible, painful loss but one I can understand and accept. When a pet dies due to negligence or abuse it's too much to handle because it didn't have to happen. I'm so angry at that trainer. I'm so sorry!!!! :cry:
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by applebear »

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Mochi, please take care
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by MochiHanoi »

Thank you to everyone for taking time to write and share your love. Well, it;s now been 7 days since Mochi's passing and it's been tough. I have received his ashes back and later this week I will scatter his ashes on my farm near Hanoi. He had a favourite place to lay overlooking the lake, so I think this is the appropriate location for his ashes final resting.

There is no more anger, no blaming, it's just been a very unfortunate even with a catastrophic outcome. The 12 months with Mochi in my life was a wonderful time, and this is what I am focussing on to get me and my family through.

Thank you everybody
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by ski »

My deepest sympathy. What a tragedy. Please know you are in our thoughts.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by Sirchow »

I am so sorry to read your post. What a beautiful chow Mochi was and he will be missed all around the world and we all feel sad for you.

I know you dont want to be angry or have revenge and I deeply respect that way of dealing with this terrible loss and pain in your life but sometimes it takes time to reach that point of peace and so you have to accept the way you feel now and allow yourself to grieve and even feel anger. It is only natural. Having studied some buddhism I was always told to accept what is and if anger or grief is what is then allow yourself to feel that way. Sending you peace and courage.

Run free sweet Mochi.......
Siriol, Bramble, Izzie and Isla.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by Me & Tess »

Run Free Mochi.
I Stood By Your Bed Last Night

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew, in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out ... then come home to be with me. - Author unknown ♥
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by JasonandNat »

Deepest sympathies.
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Re: Reaching out for advice - Goodbye Mochi

Post by beckysmyth92 »

I offer you my deepest sympathy and I am so so sorry for your loss :( I found this so heartbreaking to read! I cannot begin to imagine how you're feeling! Take care.
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