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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:26 pm
by Tippsy'smom
So, Saturday evening I took Dixie to the town square with myself, my best friend, her little brother, and his friend for the Christmas parade. When we got there, Dixie and I had to walk through a large number of people (and other dogs) to get to where Chelsea, Chad, and Alex were at. And as we were walking, there was a couple sitting on a low wall in front of the court house with a black lab that LUNGED at Dixie! It was almost able to grab her because of the friggin' flexi lead it's owner's had it on (which aren't allowed in public because our law states 6ft or less). I was fuming! But I kept my mouth shut and just walked away with Dixie, who didn't even react (thank God!). When we got to my friends, I ranted to Chelsea and had a change to chill out and get back into the spirit of the holidays... Before a chihuahua being walked by up lunged up and latched onto Dixie's side! It obviously didn't hurt Dixie, but she reacted and tried to bite the little rat but I grabbed her to keep her from getting it and popped the thing with my foot to get it away. And the owner yelled at me! That's when I went off! I yelled at the man (who yelled at me first) "your stupid rat bit MY dog! You're lucky she didn't eat the d@#% thing! Why even have a stupid thing like that out where there are other animals (there are dogs, horses, and other livestock) if it's aggressive towards them! What if it bit a child?" The owner didn't even say another word, just walked off, the stupid rat pulling on the leash trying to get back at Dixie. Made me so angry that I actually started cry and just sat down and hugged Dixie.

And then, later (after I'd pulled myself together), about half way through the parade, a woman came rushing up behind us and freaked out when Dixie peeked her head between mine and Chelsea's legs. That's literally all Dixie did and this woman started like hyperventilating and cussing up a storm! And the friggin woman walked around to the other side of me and stood! And then she had the nerve to mumble "damn dogs need to be put down" when Dixie jumped up and put her front feet on my arm to see over the kids in front of us when the horses were walking by! I looked at this woman and said "you got a problem with my dog? She's not doing anything to you! If you have a problem, go somewhere else you're not being forced to stand by us. We definitely don't care to have you around if you're going to say my dog needs to be put down when she didn't do anything to you!" The stupid woman looked at me like she was shocked I heard her and left with whoever she was with.

And one of my friends who was in the parade just told me she had a dog lunge at HER!

Sorry about the lengthy rant, but I need to vent somewhere.

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:06 am
by cherriemater
Oh dear, Jess. First, I'm glad you're both okay. Second, I'm glad you spoke up. Good girl, Jazz ... you take such good care of your Momma and you did her proud by not chomp-chomping like my boys probably would have.

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:39 pm
by Tippsy'smom
Thanks Marti! I was beyond angry with the people who had dogs out who obviously didn't need to be there... I really wanted to punt the rat that bit Dixie, but decided better of it. Thank goodness the stupid thing only got fur. I'm glad I spoke up in both cases too, I would be kicking myself now if I didn't... Biting my tongue is rarely in my nature these days. :lol: And Dixie really was such a good girl. She loved the attention she was getting from everyone and made a couple doggie friends (a golden retriever and what looked like another GSD/chow mix. She had the same face as Dixie! :lol:). She really made me proud (it was her first time to the parade). :lol:

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:43 pm
by chowchowdaddy
I've never quite understood why it's always little yappy dogs that seem to be the most vicious. I remember being out walking with Chia, our first chow, one time and something little rat dog came over and kept lunging at her, I told Chia to "Eat it, sweetheart, go ahead and eat it" so she kept trying to get to it but couldn't quite manage to do it. Pity...

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:11 pm
by cherriemater
Ahhh hahaah hahahahahahaha!!! Oh my heavens to Betsy! We usually say, "That dogs not big enough for lunch!" That made my laugh so hard! I recently traveled to Texas and back with four dogs of my friends, three different size, two who were very small. CoCo, the Rat Terrier, had the sweetest disposition and Buster, the Poodle/Jack Russell mix, was spring loaded. They were both so precious and I was happy to have a couple lap dogs for the trip. Not an example of what poor Jess experienced and a nice diversion while I missed my boys. But I wouldn't trade my boys for anything. They are at the age and social experience where they want to meet everyone and I'm so proud of them. Hopefully they won't meet any "rats" who wanna take a bit outta them because it would be awful if they lost their playful curiosity. I'll have to use your line, though ... "Eat it, sweetheart(s). Go ahead and eat it." tee hee hee ... I love it!

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:56 pm
by Tippsy'smom
chowchowdaddy wrote:I've never quite understood why it's always little yappy dogs that seem to be the most vicious. I remember being out walking with Chia, our first chow, one time and something little rat dog came over and kept lunging at her, I told Chia to "Eat it, sweetheart, go ahead and eat it" so she kept trying to get to it but couldn't quite manage to do it. Pity...
Sadly, it's because the owners of most little dogs allow them to get away with everything and they get this Napoleon complex.... It's a real shame.... But I love what you told your chow! :lol:

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:22 am
by Cocoa
Sadly, it's because the owners of most little dogs allow them to get away with everything
So true Jess. One of the things that annoys me to no end is that so many people with small dogs think they don't need to be trained because they're little. I don't care if a dog weighs 6 or 100 pounds or anywhere in between it needs to be properly trained.

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:44 am
by Tippsy'smom
Cocoa wrote:
Sadly, it's because the owners of most little dogs allow them to get away with everything
So true Jess. One of the things that annoys me to no end is that so many people with small dogs think they don't need to be trained because they're little. I don't care if a dog weighs 6 or 100 pounds or anywhere in between it needs to be properly trained.
Too true! My mom does this with her 10 lbs yorkie and her 5 lbs chihuahua... They are THE MOST ANNOYING dogs EVER! They bark at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. They use the bathroom in the house. The yorkie bites and draws blood and also takes anything he can pick up that hits the floor... And my mom gives him treats to get it back! #-o :evil: :wall: And then she wonders why they are the way they are.... :-x #-o Her yorkie also attacks Jasper and Todd.... And I've kicked him and sent him skidding across the room before because of it... I really don't her dogs....

Sadly, Todd has issues we're trying to work out too (8 months later and he's getting better, but still needs work).... It's a mix of fear and a mental disorder he was apparently born with that sets him off in certain situations.... For instance, when I kennel him I have to give him a treat so that I can close the gate to prevent him from going into a barking fit and attacking the gate... He does the same when someone pushes him down... Grooming and clipping nails is a pain with him because he goes into one of the aggressive fits after so much... I've actually had to buy a muzzle for him so he doesn't bite me anymore.... But we're dealing with it...

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:48 am
by Cocoa
At least you are working with Todd, and if I remember right he was a rescue wasn't he? I'm sure you will get his bad habits sorted out or at least under control. The ones I find so irritating are the people who not only don't even try to train their dogs but think the bad behavior is cute and just laugh it off. :roll:

Re: Irritating...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:16 am
by Tippsy'smom
Yeah, Todd was rescued from an abusive home... That's where the fear comes in. I hope we do get his bad habits at least under control, but it's definitely gonna be a LONG road...

But yeah, those are the owners that irritate me the most too. And sadly, my mom (and my brother and his gf) are that way about their dogs' bad behavior... Makes me mad... And they wonder why I don't let my dogs stay around them THAT much.....