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Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:41 pm
by dandan1
My 9 month old chow is just too friendly and I have to protect him when he meets new dogs that don't like him. We got Wookie from a chow breeder at 8 weeks, and immediately got his shots, training and everything at the recommended intervals. He eats/drinks/plays extremely well both when inside and outside the house. But when it's time to go out and play at dog parks I always have to keep an eye on him because there's always a dog that just wants to bully him and get way too aggressive and when that happens Wookie will try and run away, and often times gets chased while being growled at.

About 2 months ago we were at a dog park and we were attacked by a pitbull. We were just minding our own business when an unleased pitbull came up and they started sniffing each other. About 5 seconds later the pitbull reached around Wookie's neck and locked his jaw onto his neck. I was right next to them and instantly tried to get the pit to let go. Now matter how loud I screamed for help people just stood there and watched. I tried pulling on the pit's collar but I was to terrified that would cause more damage than good. After about a min (which seemed like hours) the pit finally let go and Wookie bolted away. I ran after him nearly in tears fearing that his neck might have been ripped with a bloody mess. Thankfully there was only very minor superficial damage with no blood. The owner (who was watching the pit for a friend) eventually showed up and was said 'what happened?'... What happened?! Are you crazy letting a pitbull (who was wearing a choke collar) roam around freely? I was so mad but couldn't do anything since all I cared about was Wookie, but I got the owner's name and phone # just in case. Luckily I didn't have to call her for anything.

After that everywhere I take him my eye is always on him, especially when around other dogs. That event didn't seem to have made a huge negative impact on his life but he's growing up fast and he's always scared of loud noises or sudden movements. He's never ever barked/growled at any other dogs, so I'm wondering if anyone here has experienced similar behavior with their chows? I try to take him out as often as possible around other people/dogs but he's just so jumpy/skittish. Will Wookie grow out of this?

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:40 am
by Victory
First you don't want him to "toughen up" you want to get him better socialized. That means taking him out, on leash to various places, letting him meet/greet dogs and people under controlled circumstances. That skittish behavior can turn into fear biting, which means that as he gets older, (he's just a puppy now) he could start biting first and asking questions later. You do NOT want him to do this.

Keeping him on leash with the dogs that approach him also on leash will control the situation, and let him build confidence around other dogs. it will also calm you down which will help his nervousness. There is one thing though, chows don't smell like other dogs sometimes, and this can trigger other dogs to be aggressive. Also a chows natural physical looks, (straight hind legs, the fluffy mane, etc) can trigger agression in other dogs as they misinterpert it as aggressive. A really good place to socialize chows with other dogs are classes. In classes all the dogs are on lead and are undercontrol, (or should be in a well run class) this could help him, learn that not all dogs are to be feared.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:13 am
by chowpups
I agree with what Victory said about socialize ,not try to toughen up, and when Nikki was just a pup I looked into the dog parks ( which looked like a muddy corral to me) and MOST of the time was dogs squabbling and owners trying to separate them , I asked our Vet what he thought about dog parks and he said they are keeping me busy with stitching up dogs. That was enough for me Nikki never got in a dog park! I took her to human parks on a leash and she met plenty of nice calm dogs and people. And she did wonderful with being socialized in classes . Iam sure there are a lot of good dog parks , I just haven't seen one yet in my area.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:44 am
by kitten1426
We take our 2 chows to the dog park all the time...We dont have problems with them..Our female chow is like the walmart Male chow he is a little less friendly but he is always under control...Basically he stays with us...sits next to us...When we go we take all 4 of our dogs ...They do have the pack mentaliaty tho...if one dog plays a little rough say with Mia our female chow our Airedale runs to get in the middle or our Male chow is he protective....I think they do need a little inter-action...And you asked If he will toughen up...if you shelter him or protect him i dont think so...NOT like i let our dogs fight but when you have 4 at home they do once in awhile of course we break them up really fast!!!...I do think tho its a somewhat of a good learning experenice for them to learn how to defent themselves IF there is ever an encounter with another dog...
On a side note once at the Dog Park a rottie got a little tough with Bear our Airedale...i went to go break it up But actually Bear put the rottie in its place...kinda like telling him NO thats not going to happen then they were fine after me there like kids somtimes....

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:49 am
by kitten1426
Also another thing after re-reading your post he senses your fear of other dogs...thats not good either...they feed off me you have to be calm and Strong he will then....Pits arent bad dogs its sad its most of the owners Fault.....

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:06 am
by Sirchow
There is a massive diffenerence between rough housing with sibbling/housemates and fighting with a strange dog in a park. The pitbull could have killed Wookie. Our dogs squabble a little in the house and bramble will stand up for herself but in the outside world she is scared of other dogs and most people so I would never take her somewhere that those fears would get worse.
I dont think that dog parks would be a place to take him ever again as it would just confirm all his greatest fears. I would agree with Nancy in that human parks would be a better place to go for a more positive experience and to help build confidence for you both. Maybe Wookie, even with socialisation wont grow out of it so if this turns out to be the case you need to learn to protect him from the situations that might lead to fear biting. As owners I think it is our responsibility when we take on a dog to ensure it is never in a situation it can get hurt in or hurt others. Hopefully a calm atmosphere and careful work on socialisation will help him overcome his fears. Poor boy....what a horrible thing to happen to him, and you.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:25 am
by kitten1426
I understand household sibblings are different...But i also dont want them to be afraid of every little thing either...I bought them because we love them But hey to be honest this world we live in isnt getting any better...So its a nice feeling to have some protection too...And i think real world events help them to mature and learn...IM not saying i want my dogs to fight but if it came down to it i would like them to be able to protect themselves and not run and hide behind me...If they were like that and someone broke in that wouldnt be good...I do understand tho were your coming from...WE love our dogs and want nothing to ever hurt them...I agree some dog parks are bad and some are good the ones we found seem to be far....

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:56 pm
by dandan1
Thanks a lot for all your words and advice. I want Wookie to toughen up as in able to defend for himself and snap back if he's attacked. I would never want him to go out seeking for trouble.

Since the attack I haven't brought him back to that park and I don't think I ever will. When he was in puppy training classes he did excellent with the other dogs, no foul play from any of he dogs. In public I always keep him on a leash, he's too curious about everything and will wander away. If he sees a golf caddy driving around nearby he will try and jump away, when I take him out to the city where there's a lot of people, noise, moving cars, etc he gets a little nervous. I just want him to be more comfortable around everything and everyone.

kitten - you mean Wookie can sense me and how I'm feeling towards other dogs? Only when I see a big dog when I keep a hard eye on that dog, Wookie can somehow sense that?

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:05 pm
by kitten1426
Yes of course they can...Thats why some people cant control there own dogs is because they have a fear with in and the dog senses that and becomes the leader...over you...We Have 4 dogs a male chow pretty big he is 13 months old and weighs close to 75-80 lbs an Male collie 65 lbs a Female chow 51 lbs and a Male airedale terrier weighing in at 100 lbs or more...If we didnt have control over them they would run our house...So yes wookie can sense when you tense up or fear something so he will react to it maybe in a good way maybe in a bad way....So thats why i say let him inter act with other dogs of course keep a close eye on him But let him be a dog...he will know how to sort things out for himself...When we 1st brought our airedale to a dog park he was afraid of ever dog..,,but as he learned he could care less what another dog does now...He has had some dogs plat rough with him but he learned how to get out of it of to tell the other dog HEY i had enough drop it...then they both go on there merry way...I dont want them to fight...but i also dont want them to be pushed around either...And believe it or not I thought our male collie was a wuss...LOL...but let me tell you he is tough...wont let another dog mount him he ..But if we never took him or the others they would never know how to deal with other dogs..We are glad we found a good dog park i know some arent....

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:29 pm
by dandan1
It's not that I'm feared of other dogs myself, I tense up because I don't know what they're going to do. But if the other dogs were on a leash I'm as calm as a clam, it's the ones roaming around freely that spikes up my attention. Sometimes I don't think Wookie knows what he's getting himself into, since he's still a pup he likes to interact and socialize with every moving animal, which is fine and I love it when he opens up to other dogs.

The ChowChow fest is coming up soon and I can't wait for Wookie to meet all his uncles and cousins.... or a gf, haha.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:10 pm
by Tippsy'smom
dandan1 wrote:Thanks a lot for all your words and advice. I want Wookie to toughen up as in able to defend for himself and snap back if he's attacked. I would never want him to go out seeking for trouble.
And that is why YOU need to be the leader and defend Wookie. Don't let him get into situations where he can be attacked. Stay out of dog parks and stick to leashes greeting with other dogs.

My Jasper was attacked by a rottweiler when he was about a year old (the dog was let to wander the neighborhood and I was walking Jazz on leash), he didn't fight back. He kept trying to get away and trying to avoid the dog, but it kept jumping on him and grabbing him. I fought the dog off. I kicked it and then hit it with the baseball bat that I STILL carry, and it's been almost 3 years since the incident. The year after that, he was attacked by another rottie that also lived in my neighborhood. Same thing; I fought it off and had stern words for the owner. I NEVER wanted Jazz to fight back. I STILL don't. Because him being the chow (mix) will be the one blamed and labeled aggressive.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:44 pm
by Cam Atis
Hi Dandan, I also wished to toughen up Cookie my dalmatian but I soon realized it was never necessary she can outrun any dogs as she was really quick. You and I got chows and you don't need to give extra effort as it will come naturally tO your chowchow to defend itself. Chows can withstand a pitbull's strength. Still a pup at 9months and so on the receiving end of aggression. Wait till he grows more and you'll see.
Now dogs also check out each other and normally, a dog will approach. You of course will stiff up in anticipation. I do too. Having strange dogs in one place is waiting for a fight to happen as chowpup's vet have correctly observed.
being prepared on such is called for.
All you have to do is relax and enjoy the day. Let your chow grow up. If he is of shy personality, your protection is needed as in physically. If he is the confident type, all he need is some moral support or approval of sort in fighting back. I give my dogs the "good dog" praise whenever they made the effort to stand their ground against such an approach of another dOg. You only whisper it and you'll see them wag tails.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:15 am
by Cam Atis
I see you are in the US. US law is against chow chows as the breed is included in a list of dogs that are considered (in your country) as high risk.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:02 am
by chowpups
I tried to raised Nikki so my new grandson could play with her and believe me they played ,never had a growl or any biting, lots of love shared between them and he still kisses her picture in our house when he sees her. (hes only 4) I had to have a chow that could enjoy a family situation , ( many family members in and out), but she also alerted me to any stranger that came up the walkway to our house. I didn't need her to bite them just bark and we would take care of the rest, she was my alarm but not my answer. it's funny how she knew who was family ( we have avery large extended family) and who wasn't .

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:11 pm
by Rory's Dad
We have learned how to live with our chows one at a time...Kodi, our 1st chow was very much a family dog. And that was it. If you werent in his family (meaning me, my wife, and our kids), then you meant nothing to him and he would be very willing to lay down to protect us. Literally, that meant me (and only me), telling him when something was OK. Teddee was a bit more accepting of people and other animals. He read people and other dogs and generally could decide if they were 'friendlys'.

With Rory, we spent tons of time making sure he was used to dealing with people of all sorts and with other dogs. He visits the local petstore and with people in every situation we can think of. He sees dogs at shows and just walking around the neighborhood.

I dont think 'toughening' him up is the right response. As said, i have had dogs that took this approach. Other posters have said it, but Chows are regarded differently by both humans and other dog breeds. You have a breed of dog that really is different. He will figure out how to react. And YES, you reaction or emotions do have a lot to do with this. I want my dog to react appropriately to the situation. If he needs to back off, then so be it. If he needs to growl off or stand down another dog, OK. I do not want him ever to be the aggressor.

I think you will see, if you read a ton of info on Chows, that that is their mystique. They almost never attack full out. They will definitely pose, growl, and position. They count on their opponent being intimidated by the gate, stance, appearance, voice. An actual assault is very rare. To put it in current terms, they kind of bully the opponemt rather than actually engage.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:38 pm
by Ursa's daddy
kitten - you mean Wookie can sense me and how I'm feeling towards other dogs? Only when I see a big dog when I keep a hard eye on that dog, Wookie can somehow sense that?
YOU need to be the leader
Ursa is afraid of many things. I try to show confidence so that she is encouraged to do what I want her to do. Malachi has more confidence, and it has rubbed off on Ursa. My two look to me for cues on how to act. Believe me, your dog is looking to you for guidance. You don't want your dog to be aggressive when challenged by another dog. You want your dog to display confidence so that other dogs do not feel compelled to challenge your dog.

Re: Wookie is too nice, will he toughen up?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:47 pm
by Grab
Cam Atis wrote:I see you are in the US. US law is against chow chows as the breed is included in a list of dogs that are considered (in your country) as high risk.
We don't, as a country, have one list of dogs deemed 'dangerous'. Different counties in the various states may have their own ordinances about various breeds, although I don't know of any that actually list Chows. Some insurance companies do have the breed on their lists, though, but they usually include breeds like Siberian Huskies, German Shepherd Dogs, etc as well.

I do not take my dogs to the dog park, even though ours is very nice. Too many chances of incidents. Contrary to what some believe, dogs don't actually need to run free with other strange dogs to have a fulfilled life. Dog classes, so that he feels comfortable around dogs, should be plenty. I would never want my Chows to snap at another dog, even in defense. In many cases, those become a 'he said, she said' incident, and Chows can come out on the losing side of those