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Complaining to State Agriculture Department

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:58 pm
by wokman
Should I fill out a complaint form to my states Agriculture Department if I feel a Veterinarian has mistreated my Chow and caused it injury. I have since changed Veterinarians, leaving my dogs former Vet. of eight years for neglecting and wrongly treating a condition for years. :evil:

Re: Complaining to State Agriculture Department

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:20 am
by Rio
If that is the governing body for Vets then I would have to say YES. Would you need documentation to prove your case? Good Luck with whatever you decide and I hope your new vet can fix any problems that may have been caused.

Re: Complaining to State Agriculture Department

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:40 am
by wokman
I will find out what documentation for proof of wrong doing is needed when I see the agriculture complaint form and make my decision to submit a complaint from that. Over the years I and other pet owners I have known have had our pets and ourselves mistreated by the few bad apples that are out there. I have now learned, check and verify there is plenty of information available to educate ourselves.

Re: Complaining to State Agriculture Department

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:48 pm
by Victory
Vetinarians are not licensed or overseen by State Agriculture Departments, but by the Veterinarian Agencies of the State. Go here to look up the agency for your state:

And I'm glad you have found a better Vet. As I've said time and time again, if you aren't happy with your vet, there are no laws saying you have to stick with just that one. Medicine--human or animal--is an ongoing cycle of study, research and practice, some doctors--human or animal--get stuck in ruts and they fall behind the latest research and clinical knowledge, some are just too lazy to keep up, some don't make the time, and others could care less. It is up to the customer to seek out the best practioners both for themselves and for their pets.