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Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:09 pm
by Lobis Cunami
Lobis Cunami and I just want to say hi again, it literally has been ages since we have been here.

Here is a few shots of Lobis Cunami taken yesterday with a cell phone camera. He is the best Chow Chow for me and truly my best buddy, I love him so so much and am so happy to have him in my life. I can not imagine life without him :D

In one of the shots you can see Lobis Cunami do the bunny hop while running lol it is so cute and sometimes he is just silly and does the funniest things.

Well that's all for now...Hello to everyone new and old and we hope to stop by again more often...


Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:18 pm
by PCC
I wasn't here when you left before, but welcome back. Lobis is REALLY cute, and bunny hopping is one of the things I love about Chows. :D

Did he just get groomed?

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:33 pm
by Lobis Cunami
PCC wrote:I wasn't here when you left before, but welcome back. Lobis is REALLY cute, and bunny hopping is one of the things I love about Chows. :D

Did he just get groomed?
Thank you PCC ! :)

Of course these were taken after his bath and 4 hours of blow drying and grooming him. Lobis Cunami does not show off his furry glory unless he is presentable, he is a ladies man and knows how to impress. :D

He sure does know it too, he gets all hyper and struts around after he has been groomed, it is priceless !

I comb him weekly and normally he gets a bath every 6 weeks, I can tell when grooming him when it is time for a bath. My husband and I do it all on our own, he baths him and I do the rest since Lobis Cunami is my baby.

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:41 pm
by PCC
I knew it. :D

Wow, every six weeks! I think Dim Sum only gets a bath every six months. LOL. But I do brush him out frequently...I too like to make sure he looks good for his adoring public. :D

I am not as adept at clipping as you appear to be, though...Dim Sum's fur is a bit more messy and wild.

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:50 pm
by Rio
Welcome back Lobis ( and family) I am new here and ask some really DOH! questions, but hopefully with the help of all the lovely people on here I too will know the Chow much better. Lobis is absolutely gorgeous ( like a giant ball of candy-floss after the blow dry :) ) PCC I am sure the wild look works just fine for Dim Sum.

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:10 am
by Sirchow
Hi welcome back I remember Lobis and your puppies. Good to see you again. Lobis looks amazing :)

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:21 pm
by Victory
Hey there! And welcome back. I was just thinking about you the other day. The last time you were on here you had some little puppies with Lobis and your girl. How is she?

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:25 am
by Lobis Cunami
Thank you everyone ! :D

Teddy is doing well just like her hubby Lobis Cunami. I am sure to share pics of them both once I get some new ones taken. The puppies have all grown and well needless to say we could not part from them, two are belonging to my 2 oldest daughters and one we kept. :D

We will not breed again as I could not part from them or see them going to new homes, I am glad my daughters have the boys and we kept the girl.

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:38 pm
by applebear
Lobis is lovely, looks like he's enjoying his time out. :) I like his harness, does that attach from the front or is it one of those halti lead harnesses?

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:48 pm
by Lobis Cunami
Thank you applebear ! :)

The leash is attached from the front but as you can see in some of the pics when walking him the leash does move to the side a bit.

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:12 pm
by hayleedog
Lobis Cunami is a beautiful boy

I wasn't here when you left but welcome back none the less :mrgreen:

Re: Oh it has been ages since I have been here

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:26 am
by Auddymay
I wondered how you fared with your litter. You have found the hardest part of breeding- new homes! We had the same thing when we were teens with our Irish Setter- only the male was adopted out. My brother kept Annie, I kept Katie, and my sister who was a newlywed took Shannon, the runt. Katie and Annie stayed at the house with their mom because we were only 16 and 17 at the time.