Thought I Would Update on Cricket

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Thought I Would Update on Cricket

Post by beccachow »

Cricket most decidedly calmed down after the nuetering. I also came to a realization that when people were coming in, they were...sort of towering over him while trying to pet him. None of my other chows reacted like this, but Cricket was definitely displeased with this and would warn with a growl. I started having visitors give him cheese, then tell him to SIT and give him cheese, and we worked on how to "Properly" greet a chow, again, something I took for granted until Cricket decided to be a chow! When people come in, I tell them to IGNORE him until he has finished his long distance assessment, then to offer a hand only without leaning INTO him. After he accepts that, we are good to go. I know it sounds complicated, but in reality the whole exchange takes less than 15 seconds. And he is a MUCH happier dog now. Like I said, I am used to much more laid back chow personalities and he threw me for a loop. Once I stood back and really evaluated it, I narrowed it down to his feeling a bit intimidated. Sooo...

We did get the german shepherd puppy. I had been planning it for so long, and my DD was so looking forward to surprising her daddy on his birthday. We DID go with a female to lessen the stress factor. Cricket did the usual chow greeting by ignoring her totally for the first half hour, then sniffing her...well, she took to chasing him and he would run from her, snarling and growling. I was REALLY having buyer's remorse...when it hit me...he was TRYING not to hurt her while assessing the whole situation! A few days of running from her, then he started standing up to her...I tried to intervene before accepting the truth, they HAD to figure it out, a puppy was going to be shown her rightful place, there will be growling and a yelp, and I needed to let it go. I knew by now, if Cricket was going to hurt her, he would have done it already. So one day, she cornered him, he smashed her to the floor, she yelped once, then slunk off under the table...Cricket turned to me with the most ashamed look; I reassured him. From that moment on, they have been best buddies, playmates, friends, and Cricket is a happiper dog. I have been showering him with attention and affection, and he is eating it up. Meanwhile, my 12 year old German shepherd is like old grandad, and even he seems to have gotten a bit sharper and a lot happier with her around. Speaking of ashamed, he knocked her down the first day, and turned to me with the most sorrowful expression I have ever seen on a dog when she yelped, lol.

So all is good; I am no longer worried about Cricket eating a person =D= . He is happy and well adjusted, seems even happier for having Brandy (puppy) around. SInce Duke is too old to really play with him for long, and he is only 2, he is loving having a new playmate and has even been spotted carrying *gasp* toys around now. *Whew. That was an intense couple of months!
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Re: Thought I Would Update on Cricket

Post by Victory »

I'm so glad it is working out for you and your three. I had a feeling it would. Strong willed, assertive chows are a handful, and you really have to just observe and learn with them. I was kind of lucky in that one of my first two, (they had been my mom's) was a very assertive intact male, who was 5 years old when I got him. He was very sure of himself, very confident and it was all about learning the right way to make him the chow I wanted him to be.

Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
Thank you SweetPea!
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Re: Thought I Would Update on Cricket

Post by oceans »

I am soooo glad this is working out. Sometimes all it takes is sitting back and taking a good look at the situation, and sometimes the answers are right in front of you. I absolutely love this web site so that everyone can talk about their individual situations and learn from one another. There is so much to be learned about chow chows. Matilda (4 months) and I have just finished our 8 week puppy socialization class and it went wonderful. I previously have owned 2 chows the first one for 15 years and Nellie passed away of natural old age. The second one did not go so well so there was a lot to be said about no two chows are the same. Matilda has absolutely been a blessing to our family. She loves everyone that comes into our house. When someone visits us she wags her rear-end so hard one would think she is going to start flying at any moment. Just overall a very happy girl....... Anyway best of luck.
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