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Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:19 am
by WeLoveLeRoy
Yesterday at my aunt's barbeque, Leroy jumped off of her patio. The patio was no higher than 2.3 maybe 3 feet max. Immediately he started yelping...and could put NO pressure what so ever on his back right leg. A trip to the emergency vet last night revealed he now has Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It's extreme in one leg, and the vet noticed signs of it in the other leg as well. It's soooo pitiful watching him try to walk....he really seems to be in a lot of pain. Prescribed is Metacam, 27.5 kg dose which I believe is in conjunction to his 28 Kg weight. The vet said it works like celebrex. And now we have a referral to the animal clinic that is familiar with the surgery that he must have...He already seems like a different dog. Im sure its only because of the pain meds he is on. He wont even bark when someone is at the door...He is constantly trying to walk...Panting because of the pain, im not sure...He has eaten, and this morning had a bowel movement. Last night, (and Im sure every night for the next while) I slept on the couch because Im afraid he will hurt himself as he follows me everywhere i go and my bedroom is UPstairs. Im sorry to be rambling, and I hope it all makes sense. I woke up this morning and for a minute I thought it was all a bad dream. Ugh. If anyone out there is familiar with this, I would love to have some insight.
Love Elisa and Leroy

Just a side note ...Leroys surgery will cost $3500.00 per leg. So expensive...:(

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:44 am
by Victory
Many of the chows on this site have had this problem and the surgery for it. I think all of them have done fine. The one thing I do remember about all the surgeries is that movement was very minimized afterward, to small walks for potty only for the most part. No running, no jumbing, no stairs, for about 6 weeks. Get him used to it now, get him a good crate and start getting him used to being in it for most of the day, put it where he can see you to cut down on his anxiousness as much as possible and make yourself comfortable on the couch. The worst part of this I think is going to be his lack of mobility which will curb yours as his anxiousness will require you to be with him as much as possible.

Keeping him quiet and content is going to be as important if not more so than managing his pain.

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:57 pm
by kingalls
:( Sorry to hear the LeRoy is injured. I hope the surgery and recovery goes quickly for all of you.

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:12 pm
by Judy Fox
I am so sorry for this - I wish I could do something!!

Just know we are thinking of you.

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:59 pm
by Grab
My late Legend tore his ACL as well and had surgery when he was about 5.

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:16 pm
by Buddha4me
My Buddha Bear has had this surgery in both of his back legs :( I feel for you all. But I'm happy to say, he has recovered very well and runs around the back yard like crazy now. His last surgery was this past March. The lack of bowel movement is likely due to the pain medication and common, I've heard that a good fat rich cheese actually helps, but a fews days without a movement will be fine. The medication can also cause dark urine, but keep an eye for infection after surgery. It's harder for the human than the dog I think sometimes, but it's very common, and we all hope you get an outstanding surgeon and all goes well. Keep us posted!

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:40 pm
by chowpups
Your message hits home with jumping off the patio. We have a patio which Nikki seems to find very exciting to jump up and down off of especially when doing her zoomies. I cringe every time she does it cause I have read so many injuries.. We've tried to stop her but its impossible the way the yard is set up.. but Iam determined to try more chairs etc. to deter her. there are steps but she flies over them and just keeps going.
I hope Leroy is out of pain soon it hurts us to watch when they hurt. Keeping my fingers crossed all goes well for him. Sounds like others have had good luck with the surgery.

Re: Leroy is really hurt. :( Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:23 am
by Mandy
I just wanted to quick post my opinion on this as I have a chow who has received both types of surgery. I very strongly feel that the TPLO surgery - while more expensive - is a MUCH better option. When our 1 yr old Chewie tore his first ACL 6 yrs ago, we only knew about the other surgery and he seemed okay after this. But over time, he has developed a great deal of arthritis in this knee due to the type of surgery. About a year or so later, he blew his other ACL and we had moved and found out about the TPLO and opted for that surgery and that knee is so much more mobile and years later has little to no arthritis in that knee. Both procedures have a long recovery. I have a diary somewhere on here of his first surgery and notes about his second if you search under my name. Good luck!