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Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:28 am
by Sirchow
Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Bramble is having one today and I dont know why. She seems very subdued and just sits staring out the window in a pensive manner. She is perfectly well and has just eaten a normal size breakfast, she just seems sad. She was lying on the floor a while ago with her head on her paws just looking at me across the room and when I called her she would usually come running she just let out a long huff and never moved. I hate it when she has these days. They aren't that often maybe once every three months or so and last about 24 hours and then she is fine again. I suppose none of us feel cheereful all the time!!! :|

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:33 am
by Victory
Yep, they do indeed. I think is a bit of boredom with the same old, same old. For all the talk, advice and yakyak about "routine" chows seem to thrive on a bit of "non-routine" and chaos every now and then. I usually take my two, (yep even with two it happens, though not quite as often) on a different walk, we go and explore somewhere they haven't been for a while or, now that I've got the car a completely new place. I'm convinced that Chows need this constant mental stimulation to stay mentally balanced and well. After all they have acute senses of smell, hearing etc and they need chances to put those to use.

I think Chows are natural explorerers especially when they are overall healthy, happy, secure and well adjusted, they seem to really enjoy travel and seeing new things, new people, new animals and just the whole world. Generally too I've found that when they feel like they are in rut, I've usually gotten into one myself and it's time to break it.

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:43 am
by Sirchow
Wise words, Victory. I have had a really bad cold all week and have probably not paid the same attention to my Brams. I think she may be feeling a little neglected. I am definitely in a rut at the moment. :(

She went to a show last week and loved the company of all the other chows and the adoration of the public perhaps she needs to meet more people. She decided she was a people person and had lots of hugs from complete strangers which to my astonishment she really seemed to enjoy. 8)

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:33 am
by leelegal
Bramble is reacting like all the Chows that I had. Roxy was my most saddest dog. She used to sit and stare with a very blank outlook and no matter what she just would not participate in any of the activities we had scheduled. Yes, they definitely have their sad and off days.


Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:35 pm
by Kim - Suki
Hi, Suki has plenty of those days!! She's fine most of the time but it's normally if she doesn't go for her usual daily walks (for whatever reason) she just seems to laze and mope around the house moving from one room to another. She's fine in herself and eats/drinks well but looks at me and gives big huffs. (Like she's trying to tell me she's not happy with me! lol)

You mentioned Bramble was at a show last week, was it Crufts. I remember you said you were going. How did everything go, what was it like? I watched it on TV and saw another chow did very well and came 2nd in the Utility Group.I was very suprised at this as I've never really known chows do that well at Crufts. I'm going to a local chow show tomorrow just to get a feel for it, I'll be posting some pics afterwards.

Here's Suki on one of her sadder, lazier days!


Kim & Suki x

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:04 pm
by Boogie and Linda
Yeah mine have sad days occassionally. Usually it is something someone here has done to hurt their feelings. Like if they have been told no, or didn't get something they wanted, or not enough attention, or if one is feeling left out. It passes pretty quickly though and never lasts more than a day. If it goes on for too long you may want to take her for a check-up at the vet.

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:02 pm
by chowpups
Nikki has them too, we always ask her " Why so sad today?" and she just looks up with those big brown eyes and I feel so bad. Cause she's always there for me when I feel that way.. But right now with the nice weather Nikki is up and happy happy happy.. (cause those little bunnies are getting ready to tease her again this spring)..Maybe Brams just needs alittle sunshine sent over to her.. :)

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:07 am
by Sirchow
Its funny how the chows all seem to have these sad days. Alfie (spaniel) doesn't. You only have to say his name and hes on his feet like "What can I do to please you now"?

I'm glad Nicki is enjoying the sunshine Nancy she has had her share of snow to deal with this Winter. Maybe the sun will shine warm enough to sit out here one day lol. At the moment it is about 40 degrees. :(

Yes Kim, it was Crufts - we got reserve yearling bitch which I was thrilled with as Bramble had only been to two shows before Crufts. She had such a fuss made of her and everyone wanted to photograph her as she was like a moddel wiggling her butt for the cameras!! Perhaps she is just missing the excitement. Life at home is a bit dull for the diva and Mom still has the cold.

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:30 am
by Victory
Kim - Suki wrote:Hi, Suki has plenty of those days!! She's fine most of the time but it's normally if she doesn't go for her usual daily walks (for whatever reason) she just seems to laze and mope around the house moving from one room to another. She's fine in herself and eats/drinks well but looks at me and gives big huffs. (Like she's trying to tell me she's not happy with me! lol)
Here's Suki on one of her sadder, lazier days!


Kim & Suki x
Yeppers, look at those eyes, she's saying, I'm bored, bored, bored! I swear they are just like little kids, who will come to you sigh and look all sad and then say, "I'm bored, I have nothing to do, and nothing or noone to play with."

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:24 am
by chowpups
Oh, Wow Victory that brought back memories, my youngst is 29 and I remember those days. Iam bored, no one to play with and nothing to do.. Now its our chows.. Oh, my maybe better I don't here what Nikki is thinking cause when my kids said that I gave them a chore to do.. and we all know Nikki bails on me for that. LOL

Re: Does anyone elses chow seem to have "sad" days?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:22 am
by kd892390
Hi, Suki has plenty of those days!! She's fine most of the time but it's normally if she doesn't go for her usual daily walks (for whatever reason) she just seems to laze and mope around the house moving from one room to another. She's fine in herself and eats/drinks well but looks at me and gives big huffs. (Like she's trying to tell me she's not happy with me! lol) Sad DP