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People make me sick!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:55 pm
by Tippsy'smom
One of my mom's "friends" cats had kittens 3 days ago, she had 4. I swear this woman who has this cat is the most incompitent person in the world! My mom told her to stay with the cat while she was having the kittens just incase she started getting tired. The stupid woman went to bed after the first kitten was born! The next morning 2 of the 4 were dead! And then tonight, her stupid @$$ son killed one of them! And then the woman herself dropped the surviving one when she wa picking it up! Seriously!? I'm sick right now because I can't do anything to help these cats! God knows the one kitten left isn't gonna make it in that house. Momma kitty isn't taking well to being a mom, and these people have NO sense! She hasn't listened to ANY of the advice my mom and I or her vet have given her! I just wanna bash these peoples' skulls in! :cry: These poor kittens should've never been born. And it sickens me to know that dieing is a lot better than being in that household. :cry: :cry:

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:33 pm
by Victory
Jess, that is so sad. I feel for the mother cat too, she's probably too young to be a mother and without a very private place for her to go with her kittens she'll abandon the one that remains, especially if it was injured when it was dropped, (how do you drop a day old kitten?) And how did the son kill the other one? I hope the fool gets the poor thing spayed.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:55 pm
by Tippsy'smom
Midnight's only a year old, so she isn't old enough to be a mother. I don't even know how you drop a dayold kitten, they're a lot easier to hold than a human baby and surprisingly this woman never dropped one of her sons as babies... Even though I KNOW the youngest AND the middle one who killed the kitten have mental issues. But the boy killed the one by opening the door to the bathroom(where they have Midnight and the kitten) with it behind the door and crushed it's head under the bottom of the door. :cry: The poor baby didn't deserve an of that. :cry: I also hope she has the momma spayed... But I really wish they didn't have Midnight and her baby, or Minnie(their other cat) or their pit mix. He stays locked up in the backyard with barely any human contact and sometimes they make him go hungry! :evil: These people truely sicken me.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:41 am
by Judy Fox
So sorry Jess - perhaps she did drop her son when he was a baby and that is why he is such and @$$ of a boy!

Take a deep breath Jess - if the woman won't listen.............there is not a lot you can do. some people should not be allowed to have anumals.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:24 pm
by Boogie and Linda
I was thinking the same thing Judy. Maybe she did drop he rown kids and that is why they are so messed up. It is awful to see people like this. I had a "friend" when I was younger who used to do things like this. I kept telling her to quit getting animals but she never listened and we stopped being friends because of it. Before we stopped being friends she actually let me have one of the kittens before she or her boyfriend killed it. She said they were going to kill it because when her boyfriend was being mean to it it was so scared it pooped. She actually showed up at my door with this kitten with a rope tied around its neck and when I opened the door she swung him into my entryway and said, "Do you want this before we kill it?" I was young with a 1 year old daughter and could barely support us but of course I took him. My dad ended up taking Taz in and he is the best cat ever. Taz is still running strong at 16 years old too. My dad has since passed and we were supposed to take him in but my sister took my dad's dog so she wanted then to stay together. I ran into this woman a few years ago in a store and when she asked about my family I told her about my dad and I mentioned that my sister took in Taz. She seemed angry that he was still alive. What a fool.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:49 pm
by KageandHorton
It sounds like really the woman killed the kitten by being irresponsible. I have never heard of not putting newborn kittens in a confined space such as a box or basket that mom cat can get out of but the babies can't.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:34 am
by vicster605
There should be a TEST #-o Want to have a child....Here take this test!! Want to have a pet or an animal....Here take this test!!
Some people shouldn't be ALLOWED to have a pet ROCK much less a child or an animal that requires care #-o
Oh Linda, that's HORRIBLE :shock: Poor Kitty, so glad you rescued him & he had a nice long life =D=

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:47 am
by Tippsy'smom
I agree. People need to be forced to take a test to own pets and have kids. My mom's trying to get the woman to give us the cats but idk right now... :cry:

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:44 pm
by CoraP.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. That's why I think people should be considered "animals". Not the other way around!

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:33 pm
by Tippsy'smom
chowling1964 wrote:i call it the ole 85 er ///guess what that means JESS>?
I'm totally lost...?
CoraP. wrote:I'm so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. That's why I think people should be considered "animals". Not the other way around!
I totally agree.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:04 am
by bama
Jess, I think Judy is on to something here...maybe they've all been dropped on their heads and that's the real problem.
Seriously, you have done all that you can do here. I know it's frustrating dealing with stupid people, but the facts are,
they live and breath among us. What's worse, stupid people are breeding!!!

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:19 pm
by Guest
I moved to Georgia 3 years ago and am real disappointed in the way animals are treated here.
Pets are tied up to a rope and left out in all kinds of weather or they are in a cage in the back of the property and food is thrown into the cage. I see pure bred as well as mixed breeds running loose, no collar, no I.D. Then these same people spend all deer season looking to put a rifle slug through some poor animals head and hang them over a fender on the way to have it skinned and dressed. I see feral cats running loose having kittens in the sewer drains.These are not my kind of people. Dont get me started on their kids, one day of a few snow flurries and they shut all the schools down and they want to know why Georgia kids cannot pass the SATS. Good God.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:35 am
by Megabit
I wish I hadn't read this post. Very disturbing to say the least. People should have to apply and get a license to own a pet. Make them take a test, if they fail, offer training. It doesn't have to be expensive, just cost enough to pay for itself and maybe a little more to help the shelters. We need a permit to own a boat, go fishing, build a deck, why not for owning a pet.

These people should be punished. Now I am having a bad Monday.

Re: People make me sick!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:36 am
by katman
Call Animal Control, ASPCA and any other organization in the phone book.
A man was working next to a sign company, that burned down. He noticed a blue male Chow Chow tied up, on a 2 foot chain, to some junk signs in the back lot. His nose and ear tips were fly chewed and they only came to feed and water him about every other day. He had no shelter and couldn't get under any of the junk for protection from the sun or rain. This man did boarder collie rescues and couldn't take it so he called animal control. They came out to take a look and he met them at the dog. Animal control said they couldn't do anything since the people had just put out food and water, but and this is a big but, "Wouldn't it be ashame if the Chow got loose and ran away?" Guese what, he did get loose and sort of ran away to the mans house where he was cleaned up shaved, medicated and loved. I found out about him through a breeder I know in Kansas City. The couple fell in love with the boy! Unfortunatly the woman had a miscarraige or think they would have kept him. They named him Smokey and since he was blue and came from a burned down sign company, the name was a perfect match! This boy was about 2 years old and was a perfect gentelman from day one. We bruoght him home for a test drive to see how he would be with the little family members and every body got a long just fine. I lost him about a month ago after 12 years. I seem to get about 14 years total out of my Chows.
I'm looking for another blue male about 1-1.5 years old.