Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

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Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by christinaporreca »

Hello everyone! I made this account for advice on a potential dog I am helping a friend with. They're moving and want to put him down instead of putting him in a shelter- He's only 4!!!! His name his Marvin, he's all black, and a Chow Chow. He had no hair at one point due to a sickness, but it's grown back and I honestly can't tell if he's mixed or not.

The dog is EXTREMELY shy and timid. When I go to pet him, he runs away from me. I've known this dog for 6 months and just a few days ago he let me close enough to pet him. He shows signs of an emotionally scarred dog.. My friend has never abused the dog, but she doesn't like it and chooses to ignore it. I don't know about her mom. Could that be why he acts like this? I try so hard to comfort him when I'm there and he is always so scared. Once I scratched his chin and neck he loved me, but as soon as I was done petting him he went back to being afraid.

In my picture I uploaded: that's how far away he'll stand and I usually get a concerned look from him.

ALSO another worry of mine is I have a yellow lab and I don't know how they will mix. (regardless, i'm going to atleast foster this dog) My lab is always at my side and I think has a slight separation anxiety. Whenever I pet another dog, he butts in and needs his head scratched. I've never been concerned because I never thought I'd have another dog in the house- but now I need to be aware.

How do you think this will go? Does he look like a mix? Any advice with Chows? I'm going to love him as much as I love my Lab, I'm just so thankful he won't be put down.
The picture may be small, I had to shrink it to upload, but you should be able to zoom in.
The picture may be small, I had to shrink it to upload, but you should be able to zoom in.
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by WyoChowDad »

From the picture it looks like he is an "old school" Chow. There are two types of Chows and he looks like the Chows that came to America in the late 1800's- early 1900's. He may be purebred considering the problems he had with his coat. Is his tongue solid purple? Not all purebred Chows have purple tongues but the majority do, especially blacks.
I think it's wonderful you are stepping up to save this poor Chow. It sounds as though he's been neglected emotionally. You have your work cut out for you but with lots of patience and love I think you should be able to bring him around. Your other dog might be able to help him along too. As long as there isn't a conflict between them that doesn't resolve, I think you have a real good chance of this working out. I wouldn't leave them together unattended until they have become friends. You'll want to have some way to separate them when you're gone until you have no doubt that they can get along.
I would try to spend a lot of time with him before his owners leave. Get his scent on you and that way your other dog will recognize his scent when they meet. Anything like that will help. I would let your Lab sleep with an old shirt that you have worn then take it to the Chow and leave it there. This way you get them acquainted before they actually meet each other in person. Since you have some time, do everything you can to build a bond with the Chow. Take him treats and give him lots of love now to build that trust. This will take time and don't be discouraged if things don't progress as fast as you want. It will be slow but it will be rewarding. I wish you the very best in your endeavor. Please let us know how it goes.
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by Rory's Dad »

I agree with everything Wyo said. You will need to earn the trust of this dog, but it shouldn't require too much, other than time. You've already gotten to the point where he has allowed you to pet him. Build on that. Use treats to bait him to you. Be patient and leave it at that for a bit, encouraging him with a nice 'atta boy'. Don't reach for him or redirect him when he does come to you, just reward him with the treat and praise. He needs to learn that it's safe and there is a positive at the end of that step forward.

Based on his reactions, he may have a poor history, or maybe its just an isolation issue. Remember that most chows are head shy and prefer to not be approached from the top or side angles. When you get him to come to you, start under his chin so he knows where your hands are...if he was ever abused, this is very important as well, but is generally good approach for any chow.

If he isn't socialized to humans, its pretty unlikely he is used to other dogs, but a yellow lab might be a good mix. They tend to be pretty calm and relaxed which will rub off on the chow and may provide a nice non-human companion for him. I agree though, keep them separated when unsupervised until you are sure. Try not to show favoritism to one when they are both in the same area. You will want to demonstrate that you are the boss and that you have selected this new dog to join your 'pack'. May sound a bit silly, but it really is the way it works.

Dogs can really sense emotion. He probably knows that your friend really isn't fond of him. Chows are extremely loyal dogs once the trust is earned, but they must feel a connection. Frequently they will attach to one person. Be that person. Show him that you will provide for his basic needs (food, water), and be his source of support (atta boys, training with a purpose, etc).
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by Sirchow »

If at all possible it would be great if you could walk the two dogs together before he moves in with you. Walking together creates a kind of team spirit but gives a focus apart from each other so allows them to settle together but without the stress of being face to face.

Slowly slowly as others have said. Sitting on the floor with head down in a non threatening posture with small pieces of chicken in your hand. Let him come and take them and let him leave again till he gradually realises that he can come to you and not be captured. Never corner him. Let him come to you. A trailing lead is a really good way to work with a dog who is scared. It gives you the chance to move them from room to room or to garden etc without pursuit. Hand feeding is another way of gaining trust and confidence and strengthening a bond.

A soft brush and gently brushing can as he gets more used to you be very soothing and relaxing.

It seems to me some pet gates will be your best bet for now and that will save you having to raise your voice to control them. Chows are not good with raised voices at the best of times but for some time you are going to need to keep things very even and calm to help him gain confidence.....please dont imagine that I am saying you shout at your dog :D I just think that physical controls will be easiest for the first while.

Good luck and please come back and say how it is going. It is a wonderful thing for him to have this chance of a real loving home :D
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by CocoLeBear »

I would just chime in to agree to and say, set him up in an area where he can see you (example I have a foster with an injury and he hangs out babygated in the kitchen) and can watch and observe. Don't push the interaction, but make it available. For example, when I brought the foster home, he was a complete unknown--a stray. I would go in the kitchen every few hours and just sit on the floor. If he wanted to come up to me for scratches or to check me out, great. If not, I just sat there quietly with a magazine or whatever. It'll be four weeks with him on Saturday and while he isn't a cuddler, he attention and to greet me when I come home, belly rubs, loves walks, etc. Biggest thing is to give him time and space to decompress/process the change and give him a safe area (meaning, not an area where he could be pestered or stared down by your lab--a blanket over the babygate might help at first). Don't judge him by how he acts for the first month--he will be decompressing/adjusting to change/learning about attention, etc. He might not be super interested in food, treats, or toys (note: if he isn't interested in eating, try some boiled chicken and ride or some soft dog food), but that'll change once he realizes he is in a safe area he can trust.

Also, I would highly recommend setting up some private training with a professional dog trainer/behaviorist. They will come to your house and give you some great tips, and then after the dog is there for a while, maybe have them out again. Good luck and feel free to post for advice!
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by christinaporreca »

Hello everyone! Thank you for your responses and I've attached more pictures of Marvin. He does have a full purple tongue. As an update- my dad doesn't want Marvin to stay in my house, so he will be at a close friend's boyfriends and I will be visiting daily. He has another dog (Lab) who is a lot friendlier and sociable than mine, so I think it works out well. Me and my friend are going to pitch in together and get him bathed and groomed before we take him to the shelter for his photoshoot. His coat is very knotted and I'm afraid to brush him myself.

I went to the owner's house this weekend while there was a get together so the dogs were in a room together. I sat on the bed and Marvin came up to me! He growled at first but this was a serious improvement, I couldn't believe it. He is very very scared and I'm upset to see him like this still. I believe he is emotionally neglected by the family. A family member even said, 'Marvin don't be scared she's the only one that really likes you." Needless to say I am very distraught and thinking about him constantly until April.

When he approached me I scratched his chin and he jumped on the bed to lay next to me. I gave him a lot of kisses and kept petting him. When I had to leave the room he tried to follow me and it broke my heart :(

We're going to give Marvin the best care while we have him and the shelter will be sure to find him the right home. They're very excited to be able to list a Chow Chow! They were asking all sorts of questions about him. I'm becoming very attached to Marvin and I really hope to see a success story with him.
Marvin next to me on the bed
Marvin next to me on the bed
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Last edited by christinaporreca on Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by christinaporreca »

This was when Marvin first started to approach us :)
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by christinaporreca »

Hi everyone! I visited the shelter with Marvin. He loves the car and having his head out the window in the snow. I also made a Facebook post with all the pictures we took. A close friend of mine who lives alone with no other dogs really is taking interest. I told him everything about Marvin and he is still interested, just waiting for his landlord to get back to him. If he is able to adopt, this would be even better because he is only 5 minutes from my house and I would be welcome to visit Marvin whenever I want.

My friend (his owner) is looking for a place to stay that will allow him, but it's expensive. Not to sound rude, but I hope he does get rehomed. They do not love him like someone else could, and she doesn't even like him, only her mom does.

I am honestly happy that he will have somewhere to go other than a shelter. Please keep Marvin in your thoughts!

I tried uploading pictures of him but the smallest I can get them are still too big.
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Re: Please help! Rescuing a Chow (mix?) in April

Post by rmb »

He has the old style (pre-designer) face like my Buddy2 who we adopted 2 years ago and who is still timid about certain things but - oh such a loving boy and so obviously grateful to be with us! I wish you could keep him where he would obviously be cared for. It will be hard for him to re-adjust again but sounds like he will be better off - away from someone who doesnt like him! Best of luck to Marvin!
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