vomiting white foam?? bloat? stomach twist?

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vomiting white foam?? bloat? stomach twist?

Post by cge2809 »

hey guys.
my 1.5 years old chow vomited white foams
few days ago... you know.. with the bubbles,,
but just once. not repeatly.

i guess this was third time in this 1.5 years.

I googled about it, and it can be bloat.
Well, I don't see any other symptoms of bloat
like, pacing,saliva or tight tummy.
some people say this happens sometimes, not to worry.

but i'm really worried... am I doing somethin wrong to her?
I walk her in the morning for 10-15min when she wakes up. (10am)
then she gets her breakfast.
and a bit later we go to dog park (not everyday)
for her dinner, she eats around 9pm(sine I finish work late)
an we go out for walk 30min after the meal.
since that's last walk of the day, we walk around 40min.

she has those toys with kibbles inside so whenever she feels hungry, she can have
a small portion of her dried food.

do you have any experience about this situation? like bloat or stomach twist?
is this something to worry about?
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Re: vomiting white foam?? bloat? stomach twist?

Post by chow4life »

I don't think it's much to worry about. If she is still eating and drinking ok and her behavior hasn't changed then probably all is ok. I have had no experience with bloat or stomach twist so i can't answer your questions with regards to that. I know sometimes Matilda (2.5 yrs) will do the same thing but it's usually when she is out in the yard. Usually it's when she has eaten a part of my plant that she's not suppose to. I clean her up with a warm cloth and that's the end of it. She acts and eats fine afterwards.
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Re: vomiting white foam?? bloat? stomach twist?

Post by maikinda »

Can you open her mouth and look down her throat or even better put your finger down in? Allergies will cause dogs to have a white foamy stuff in their throat. Sometimes you will notice their water looks slimey after just one drink from a fresh bowl. Sometimes this will cause an upset stomach too.

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