Training Issues

Training and behavior topics, guidelines, and tips for Chow Chows.

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Training Issues

Post by Razvan »

Good day everyone, although it's almost 12 PM here *laughs*.

On 27.12.2012, a new member of the family arrived, a cute little Chow Chow that we named Leo.
Although we're living in an apartment, we give him an enormous ammount of love. But there are some issues that we need to correct before it's too late.
Being only ~12 weeks old, he was separated from his sister, so he could come into our family. Since he arrived, we've been trying to train him to do basic stuff, like making him understand the term of "Here" or making him pee in the bathroom, using some "tissues with feromones" (I don't know how to say it as i'm from Romania, and English is not my mother language). The problem is, he yet hasn't got all his vaccines and he cannot get in contact with any other dogs, so we cannot walk him out.

Few hours ago he went for my dad's laptop cable, trying to bite it so my dad gave him a slap on the head, a pretty hard one from what i've seen, but not too rough, as he wants to settle the basic things out with him getting him to know not to get in contact with possible harmful things. :( (He had another dog, a German Shepherd, back in the times he were a Military pilot.) **As I was writing this he went for my laptop cable and i slapped his nose a bit, so he gets to know that's a bad thing.**
I've read some posts around here, and saw "Victory" (if i'm not mistaken, *my apologies if i do*) say that we should not yell or hit our little puppy. Did we do it correctly? if not, what is the proper course of action? *I will read other posts too, but a short answer would help me alot.*
It's my first dog, as i'm 17 and i can say it's the best thing that happened to me, making me realise how much i can get in love with a soul, caring him and taking care of every step he makes.

Few more things about the training and about the rest, although this is a training subforum.
We're feeding him twice a day, about 150-200 grams of food (Friskies Junior), but we've read that they contain preservants, and we want to change his food. *Remember that we're living in Romania*.
The lady at the food store said that we shouldn't change his food suddenly, as he risks diareea.
- What would you recommend? Royal Canin would be the most expensive food we could find around here, and we also know it is good, but would you recommend it? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
- How many times a day should we brush his fur? **We're using a brush with many metal pins and a normal hair brush, normal brush first then the pin brush**.
- Being a puppy, how many times could we wash him? I've read that they must be bathed maximum 3 times a year, but this little fella gets covered in pee everytime he does his needs. (Not that this would be a problem, only that i've heared that he pees where he gets the scent of it, and if he walks around the house with pee smell, that isn't a good thing.)
About teaching him where to do his needs untill we can get him out.
- How should we proceed? Should we let him take his needs and observe where he does it then do something about that place? Or should we follow him and show him that he should pee in the bathroom **where he has that tissue with feromones**.

**I am reading more about how to take care of this little soul, but i could use the boost in knowledge. Thank you in advance!

Regards -- Razvan & Leo

Here is Leo, our smallest family member.
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Rory's Dad »

I posted a response on one of your other posts, but since they were different issues, i will again.

****************************************No Hitting. Not even on the nose. None Whatsoever*******************************

Chows are a head-shy breed. Also very reactive. You are only teaching him to react with a bite response.

Not sure on the weather in Romania, but i dont believe it is extremely hot or humid this time of year. If so, unless he becomes extremely soiled, do not bath more than once a month. You will strip the fur and skin of essential oils. If his underside becomes covered with his pee, use a pet wipe and brush/comb. With puppy fur, once a week or so should suffice for normal brushing. Once he comes into full adult fur, it will need to be every other day.

As for food, price can be a decent indicator, but check the ingredients. You want something that lists a meat first, grains or fillers should be way down the list. By-products are not the same.
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Pinoy51 »

PLEASE do not hit your Chow if he misbehaves. Chows are extremely intelligent dogs, which can learn relatively quick if shown the right procedure.
So give him a firm command like "stop" and redirect his attention to a toy or other activity.
Do not hit him!!! once he grows older you provoke an agressive response.

If you have some grassy area near your house bring him there for potty.
Avoid direct contact with other dogs, if you're afraid of contageous diseases.
Much better to train him to go out for potty than inside.

Food: avoid grains, specially wheat, rice as ingredient is okay, but protein (meat) first.
Brushing, once a day when he grows older now 2 or 3 times a week. Grooming is very important for
they thick furr of a Chow.
Just to make sure, don't hit him as a training method, you will regret this later. Chows are not ususal dogs and
don't follow standard obedience. They follow a leader they can respect, they definitely will not follow someone
who hits them. Please read other sources if you think I'm too concerned.
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Victory »

Rory's Dad and Pinoy51 have stated it but I'll do it again:

Do Not Ever Hit Your Chow!!

Not only just on the head, but anywhere. Chows learn fast and they remember forever; if you hit him he could become hand-shy, so that anytime anyone approaches him, he remembers being hit and reacts aggressively to what he sees as a possible painful incident.

Puppies chew, the better thing when he goes after the computer cables, (which by the way have a smell that entices most pets to chew on them, so it's not his fault) is to say, No! and give him a toy to chew on. Keep one or two by the computer so that you can easily do this. Also, I'm a computer support person; get some twisty ties and move the cables out of his reach. In all the time Dreamdancer was a puppy, he only chewed on electric cable and that was on a lamp that wasn't being used and I forgot to gather the cable up. All the others I kept up and out of his reach.

At 12 weeks he should have had 3 sets of shots already and be ready to go out into the world. There just needs to be a little place outside where he can go potty. Take him there before meals, after meals, when he wakes up, before bed. Stay there with him until he goes and then praise, praise, praise. He'll get it. Chows can be almost fully house trained in less than a week. Also don't over whelm him with too many commands at a time. let him learn his name, use it all the time. Then teach sit, which is easy, simply hold a treat in your hand, show it to him and say "sit" then raise the treat over his head, he'll follow it with his head and it will naturally make him go into the sit position, when he does, give him the treat and tell him what a good boy he is. If he starts to back up to watch the treat, bring it down within his eyesight a bit, and gently push his bottom down. Use treats and excitment for "come" he has to see coming to you as a big fun deal. Call his name, say, "come" and then repeat it in a fun manner, when he comes to you, give him lots of praise, scratch his tummy, maybe play with him for a bit.

Right now you need to make sure his experiences are positive, he is learning a lot right now and you don't want to have him remember anything that is negative, painful or frightening.
Victory, Darkwind, (our angel), Firesong, and Dreamdancer
Thank you SweetPea!
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Razvan »

Thank you for the responses.

I got the main idea, now i'll try and teach him some basic procedures like "stop".
And about the cables... since then, he never touched any cable again, yet, i'm afraid that he is starting to not like me... i usually put him down on his back and rubbed his belly, or push him out of the kitchen gently saying "No, out of the kitchen!" but now everytime i try to rub his fur, he tries to bite my hand, when we play, he goes for the hands, legs... till i give him a toy, but everytime we play again he goes again for my hands & legs. I've been thinking everytime he bites me to put him in the bathroom for 5 minutes without anyone checking on him.. but would it work?
Have a nice day!

-- Razvan & Leo
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Pinoy51 »

This so called "biting" is actually nipping and very normal for this age. I also call it "mouthing".
Your Chow wants to explore and play. Using his mouth for that is very normal. You have to directv
Him and teach him not to put too much pressure. The same firm "no" or a loud "yelp" should stop him.
If he ignores it, time out is the correct answer. But don't expect him not to use his mouth at all if he plays with you.
Just to make sure actual biting would be aggression, usually with growling, ears back and tension.
nipping is playful, happy and excited. So you should be able to differentiate between nipping and biting.
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Re: Training Issues

Post by Jdcell100 »

I'm on my 3rd chow just got are last one on October 31 2012 he was 9 weeks old when we got him he never had 1 single accident in the house first 2 days brang him outside every 20 minits as soon as he went I picked him up prasied him took him right in the house with in 2 days he was going to the door to let me know he had to go. I never ever had to hit any of my chows all traing done with tone of voice. Nipping when there a puppie is common there all going to do it when they nip everyone in the family would do a high pitch yelp and it worked like a charm. Get the best food you can affored we have ours on blu buffalo lamb and oatmeal. Are family always says why would anyone Owen any other breed then a chow
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Re: Training Issues

Post by JammyJoy »

Obedience training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable.
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