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Post by pfordeb »

We live in the 'burbs. Nary a piece of land left around here. Yet, we have coyotes. We've heard rumors for a couple years. Last night Forrest saw two crossing our street. AAAAgh. Then he told me they eat little dogs AAAgh (actually, I'd heard that before too). Now he says he's going to get me coyotes for my birthday. AAAAAAAAgh! He won't get a rescue dog, but he'll get a coyote. I think I'm going to have to call the Acme anvil company, get an anvil, crawl on my roof, and wait for the coyotes. Signed the Roadrunner

PS -- Everything but that last part is true.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Mia »

Oh, yes, I could just see you dropping an acme bomb on the Wily E. Coyote! LOL! Beep Beep!
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Re: Coyotes

Post by janet »

lol deb
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Laura »

lol@the anvil! They do eat dogs though...even saw a show the other night where one had attacked a child. Be careful with your furkids. A friend lost her beagle to coyotes. :(
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Jeff&Peks »

We have Coyotes all over our neighborhood we even have a litter across from the park. Yep, they do eat dogs mostly the smaller ones and usally travel in packs I havn't seen any Alpha going on usally two spotters while one goes and grabs what ever they are after .Pekoe has had a few stare downs with them from across a street a few times, Pekoe usally gives the Elvis look with a growl and off they go. Two i don't mind but 3 or more becomes a pack so were out of there, it would also depand on how hungry they are if they start going after larger dogs, It seems to me they try to avoid trouble and just grab something that can't fight back. I do know a lady whos German shepard was attacked but that was by a pack of 5 they tore the hell out of the GSD but he servied, he looked like they had to sew back every piece of his body. Morel of the story, don't trust them if there are two or more go the other way they can since what will fight back so those of you that have less tempered chows I wouldn't mess with them. Pekos has always been known to be posssed so I don't worry to much about her, nothing will come with in 6 ft of her.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by janet »

sounds like a case of pepper spray carrying is in order.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by bubba »

we live in town but the town only has 1500 so its rural.. coyotes abound , i had fancy chickens for a while but the coyotes visited and it was a massacre .. there are other things in the woods , like bob cats .. some times *something* chases our cat home.. one day whatever is chasing him home will jump the fence into the yard , there in finding a chow Chow .. SUPRISE !!!! . is you were a 25 lb bob cat or a 30 lb coyote would you like to find yourself in in a yard with a 55 Lb chow who thinks he is KING of the World .. ther bull of the woods ?
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Re: Coyotes

Post by CoraP. »

The neighbor that lives behind us lost their little poodle one night. They put him outside to go to the bathroom, and 5 minutes later he was nowhere to be found. There were tracks all around the next morning, and they think that's what got him. Sounds like Forrest is getting a little sense of humor about things... maybe he will soon change his mind about another chow! I'll cross my fingers. :D
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Re: Coyotes

Post by bubba »

Scat analysis collected near Claremont, California revealed that coyotes relied heavily on pets as a food source in winter and spring.[32

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Re: Coyotes

Post by fergie »

That is really scary my mom and dad are having the same problem out at the farm. They have been killing the cats. So they went out and got to larger dog in the hopes that will keep them away. I just hope nothing happens to them.
Thanks Sweatpea
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Re: Coyotes

Post by weenis »

Time to buy a varmint rifle.

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Re: Coyotes

Post by Jeff&Peks »

No, its time to quit taking over thier land and building homes in thier habitat but then again that is the American way, take the land then shoot what you don't like.

Just like People always complaing about sharks, You don't like it then stay the hell out of the water, If you don't like Coyotes,Bears and Mtn Lions in your home then move they never invited you to move there in the first place.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by weenis »

Jeff&Peks wrote:No, its time to quit taking over thier land and building homes in thier habitat but then again that is the American way, take the land then shoot what you don't like.

Just like People always complaing about sharks, You don't like it then stay the hell out of the water, If you don't like Coyotes,Bears and Mtn Lions in your home then move they never invited you to move there in the first place.
If everyone that didn't want to be near coyotes and just moved away... the world would be full of coyotes and we'd all be huddled together in a little circle singing songs and hugging trees.

Hence the reason for coyote season here in AZ. It's not like people kill ALL the coyotes, and coyote season doesn't even dent the overall population.

Don't give me that crap...

If you have a dangerous coyote in your area, and you start to see an increase in population, when/if it's legal in your area, shoot it.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Jeff&Peks »

weenis wrote: If everyone that didn't want to be near coyotes and just moved away... the world would be full of coyotes and we'd all be huddled together in a little circle singing songs and hugging trees.
Hence the reason for coyote season here in AZ. It's not like people kill ALL the coyotes, and coyote season doesn't even dent the overall population.
Don't give me that crap...
If you have a dangerous coyote in your area, and you start to see an increase in population, when/if it's legal in your area, shoot it.
Gee a real life Elmer Fudd, I never met anyone that wanted to grow up to be a cartoon character.

Last edited by Jeff&Peks on Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by weenis »

Very witty.

I haven't been able to figure out how people are content being sheep.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by pfordeb »

As usual, the controversy is cracking me up. I have to agree with Jeff, though, about construction. This area and north of us used to be farmland and trees and now it's all houses. That part is sad for everyone. With the mortgage crises, you'd think people would wise up and stop building. Well, now I'm really getting off topic.

I do think Gilbert would scare away a coyote, but he'd turn tail and run if one actually came real near (it is Gilbert), Charlie can be fierce, but a number of people around here have lost small dogs. We need Sullivan, who probably would eat a coyote, daintily lick her mouth, and be on the lookout for the next one.

I do believe people have the right to do what they want and say what they want, but personally, I'm a wimp who doesn't even kill spiders (Charlotte's Web). I don't know what I'd do if a coyote actually attacked, but maybe Forrest is right and we don't want to let the dogs out alone? AKA, no fence, no more dogs???
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Re: Coyotes

Post by bubba »

the coyote are actually new comers in tennesee, first the coyote, then armadillos , then the fire ants , along come the killer bees...
here it is always open season on coyote , i saw one road killed this AM .. once when we had chickens one dashed in and took a chicken during daylight hours,, my wife was amazed,,, pretty darned bold coyote.

How long have coyotes
been in Tennessee?
Coyotes were not known in Tennessee
prior to the 20th century. No wild
(coyote-like) animals, other than
occasional feral dogs and extremely
isolated pockets of red wolves, occurred
in southern states east of the Mississippi
River from 1900 until about 1965.
Coyotes moved eastward through
Tennessee, Mississippi, and other
eastern states during the 1960s and early
1970s. First occurrences in Tennessee
were mainly in the western portion of
the state. By the mid-1970s, frequent
occurrences of this species were reported
in counties west of the Tennessee River.
Today, coyotes are well established in
West Tennessee and populations in
Middle and East Tennessee are increasing

i wish the black bears were back in these woods along with the Red Wolf.. i have encountered Black bear in the woods in the arkansaw ozarks , i think it would be great fun to encounter a black bear while mr Chow Chow was along.. ... pcode=A00F


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Re: Coyotes

Post by pfordeb »

Oh, that baby is so cute. Is that a coyote or a wolf? Forrest says coyotes are just wild dogs or maybe dogs are just domesticated coyotes?

One thing I remembered about Sullivan is, she was extremely protective of Charlie (her surrogate son). She most likely would have gone after a coyote in defense of Charlie. Besides the fact that I will probably never get over her loss, I'd feel safer right now if she was around. Coyotes have also been seen in the park where we walk our dogs. I know, don't go there anymore, but it's almost right behind our house and there are always a ton of dogs there. Of course, that park wouldn't exist, nor all the houses surrounding it, if they hadn't torn down a bunch of trees.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by bubba »


Red Wolf, Canis rufus
learn more about red wolves and to experience a howling!

the coyotes howl a lot around here from time to time .. one year they had pups down in the bottoms and i could hear them in the song..
after old Chyno the Chow died the coyotes came very soon very near to the house and had a howling .. very mornful , i thought they came by to pay respect ..

DNA studies show chows are verry much closer to wolves in the dna tree than most dogs ..
i would not hesatate to go out on account of coyotes , they are very shy creatures and will flee from you ..
feral dog packs are a different thing , much more dangerous than a pack of coyote.

the Red Wolf project says there is a problem with the coyotes crossing with the reintroduced red wolves , the coyotes are an exotic and do not belong .. they only came in to fill the empty niche of the red wolf..
like i said .. i wish there were packs of red wolves around , ithey are bigger than the coyote though not so large as the grey wolf.. i bet they have a different tone than the coyote..
and bears . we need bears in the woods too..
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Re: Coyotes

Post by janet »

i dont know about you guys, but alot of people tell me my two look like if they only knew their true personas. they are more like
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Babs64 »

I think Sophie looks like a long lost relative of wolves. Of course, I might be biased.

Speaking niece and her family bought an older farmhouse out in the middle of the corn fields in central Illinois. We warned her the coyote population was booming. Sure enough two of her cats became coyote meals. She has adopted a Great Pyrenese to keep them off her property. So far she hasn't lost any more critters to them wiley coyotes.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by pfordeb »

Sorry to hear about those cats. Maybe we should lead coyotes toward all those developers and let them eat the developers instead? Gilbert is sort of wolfie looking too. Someone who'd seen him many times mentioned that last week.
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Jeff&Peks »

You finely came up with a reason to get rid of Coyotes, if coyotes are eating all the cats what's Pekoe supposed to chase. Owell you won't find any cats alive in Chinese neighborhoods with restaurants either so I guess Pekoe will have to find another form of entertainment
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Re: Coyotes

Post by Judy Fox »

Beautiful pictures of wolf and baby wolf Michael. Wish I could see a wolf!
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