Dirt Eating

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Dirt Eating

Post by Debbie »

Anyone know why Bones may be eating dirt? We have a small planter type brick half moon filled with dirt. We moved here in August and the former owner left the carrots she had planted there for us to eat. This is where I would pull out the small carrots for Bones that he would first play with and then eat. I have noticed that now the ground has thawed, he has started to eat the dirt in this same place. Any thoughts?

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Post by Auddymay »

Maybe he's hunting carrots off of memory. Try sticking a couple store boughts in and see if it doesn't switch what he's consuming!
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Post by ngraham »

Sorry Deb, no idea here. I have had 2 chows and neither of them were dirt eaters. Now if you want to talk about toilet paper and paper towels (and their rolls)... there is Koda.... LOL
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Anyone know why Bones may be eating dirt?"

They sometimes eat dirt when they need minerals like iron. Some gardeners used cocoa hull mulch as a soil amendment when it became popular, and while it's very attractive to dogs it is also toxic. Besides there being possible pesticides/herbicides/fertilizer in the garden soil, you also have to consider things like worm parasites.

In an earlier thread about toys, where you first mentioned the carrots as toys, I did mention then that the soil may be the source of your Chow's 'mystery' allergies.
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Post by kingalls »

I haven't noticed S or N eating dirt but last spring when we were putting in new plants, we left a bag of soil ammendments out - I think it contained some type of manure...and while we were gone, they tore the bag apart and spread it all over the walkway by rolling around in it...they smelled awful and I would let them in the house!
We're a little wiser this year about leaving the bags of soil out.

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Post by chowfrnd88 »

No dirt eating here, Special Dark's set on eating grass! :roll: But how interetsing that you said Bones would first play with the carrots. I gave Special some carrots and he plays with them, but never gets to teh eating part...
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Are you sure he is actually eating the dirt or just using his mouth to dig and rip out roots and grass, Is it the same area all the time or is he eating dirt all over? When Pekoe is digging for squirrels especially gophers she will rip out a whole football field for one gopher if I let her, she uses her mouth to dig and rip, it looks like she is eating the dirt because its all over face and in her mouth but she's spitting it out as she digs, He may be looking for the roots or the carrot smell could still be there so he's digging. Some also like chewing on tree roots, Watch him carefully the next time. If it is only the spot where the carrots use to be I don't think he is eating the dirt but he is looking for something and using his mouth to dig, Carrots, roots, Gophers, dead body from the last tenants, Something is there.

This brings up another Pekoe story, A friend of mine bought a new home and as they were moving in the landscape people were laying the new lawn. after they had finished we all said how beutiful then went to Home depot. We were gone about an hour so we left Pekoe in the yard and me thinking cool, Pekoe will love running around in the yard well when we returned we found out Pekoe really loved the yard she pulled up more then half of the new lawn and there she was dirt all over her and a big chunk of grass hanging from her mouth staring at us, Just looking at her all we could do was sort of laugh then sigh and say Pekoe, Pekoe Pekoe are you in to landscaping now. They had a gopher problem so the only way to repair the lawn was to get Pekoe out of there.
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Post by Debbie »

Kiwani, Bones had this itch problem well before we moved to this house (I was hopeful that it may disappear with the move, but no such luck) so I don't think that it is the root of the problem.
Jeff, Bones is actually licking the dirt up. He is not digging at all. He just bends his head and starts to lick, very delicately actually.

Could the dirt eating and itch be an iron deficiency? Guess it would have shown up on the blood tests.
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Post by Roxana »


Actually Dakota used to do the same thing. On the side of our house where the sump-pump connector-hose thingy (sorry to be so technical :lol: ) came out, it would drip a bit and the ground underneath would get quite soggy (this was before we put landscape rocks down in that area) and many mornings I would go to call Dakota in before leaving for work and she would come trotting around the side of the house with a faceful of mud! Oh how lovely to have to clean that up before leaving for work. Anyway, I could never figure out why she did it, there was never anything planted in that spot, no vegetation of any kind, just good ole, soggy, soft, black dirt. It never did her any harm and she hasn't done this for quite a few years. I think it probably has something to do with the minerals in the dirt as some of the others have mentioned.
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Kiwani, Bones had this itch problem well before we moved to this house"

I never found the beginning posts to this allergy saga, and from what I've read since I arrived, I was under the impression that most of it started after you moved : )

Re: "Could the dirt eating and itch be an iron deficiency?"

I mentioned the iron, because it's often linked to dirt eating in human cases (geophagy). In animal cases, dirt or clay eating is often linked with various mineral imbalances, pH imbalances (acid/alkaline), used as a method to detoxify, etc. (some dog foods include clay to help detox the intestinal tract.)

Just wondering if he's still on the multi-herb Chinese medicine detox/cleanser the vet prescribed?
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Post by Debbie »

He has only 4 left and since it doesn't seem to be doing much good, I thought I'd just not get anymore. I'm noticing when I brush him that he has a lot of dandruff, especially under his tail area and still the small raised bumps - sometimes I get a small scab off and there is the reddened raised bump. He loves to be scratched, but growls if I touch a red bump. His haunches and the backs of his front legs are itchy too.
He is 3/4 through his second bag of King's Gold with no improvement so I plan now to try Innova.

I"M STILL SO CONFUSED, maybe he is itching less??? Certainly during the night he sleeps well and doesn't wake up to itch at all or if he does it will be only once or twice.

Kiwani, If you want and think it would be helpful, I could write up his itch saga, well into year 2 if you think it would help you help me. I'd be greatful for any thoughts, opinions, suggestion
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Post by Jeff&Peks »

Have you tried Nutro?
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "He has only 4 left and since it doesn't seem to be doing much good, I thought I'd just not get anymore."

I was just wondering if those "detox" herbs were causing a mineral imbalance, since he's been on them for some time now.

Re: "He is 3/4 through his second bag of King's Gold with no improvement so I plan now to try Innova. I"M STILL SO CONFUSED, maybe he is itching less???
Concerning the raised bumps, inflammation, flakes, and itch: Has your vet ruled out skin yeasts too? If it is a yeast based problem, it takes time to eradicate but you can push it along - the regular Innova might not be the best choice for right now. I'll get back to this later on...

Re: "Kiwani, If you want and think it would be helpful, I could write up his itch saga, well into year 2 if you think it would help you help me. I'd be greatful for any thoughts, opinions, suggestion"

I started posting here in December, so if there is an older thread title devoted to Bones' allergy, maybe you could bring it forward again instead of having to work so hard to rewrite it all? I don't mind devoting time to this 'mystery' allergy, because he's been suffering with this far too long. I do think of him often anyway. : )
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Post by Debbie »

Thank all for your thoughts.
Jeff-Bones was on Nutro until the vet suggested that the itching may be due to food allergies so I have been trying out new foods to see if he stops itching.
Kiwani, I tried to send you a private message yesterday and post here, but was not successful in the posting here, so I'm wondering if you got my private message? Let me know if not and I'll resend.
Thanks Debbie and bones
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Kiwani, I tried to send you a private message yesterday and post here, but was not successful in the posting here, so I'm wondering if you got my private message?"

I received your message when I logged on today, and was able to bring one of the old threads back to the first page. You mentioned there being one more thread about Bones, but I haven't located it yet. I'm just going to review the "Itchy Bones" thread again now.

As for the 'Innova', it has a lot of ingredients and if you do want to try that brand next, they do have other formulas with much less ingredients. I just prefer using the Solid Gold whenever there are inflammations (allergies) involved, because their lines are higher in omega-3's...but I'll get back to this topic after I review the thread from January.
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