A few photos of Khana

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A few photos of Khana

Post by IliamnasQuest »

I was recently asked to post some more photos of Khana, so here are a few from the last few months.

This first one is from February, when we still had quite a bit of snow. Khana LOVES to play rough and tumble with the shepherds.

<img src="http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/khtri15feb06b.jpg">

The next two are recent photos - one of her looking sweet and innocent (so NOT her) and the other one of her coming to me when I called her.

<img src="http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/khana26april.jpg">

<img src="http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/khana22april.jpg">

And this last one is from a photo I took of her when I was laying in bed and she was kind of standing over me (she loves to snuggle). I changed it some in photoshop, kind of stylized it a bit. Turned out pretty neat, I think.

<img src="http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/k ... esmall.jpg">

Hope you enjoyed her photos .. she's definitely a photogenic kind of dog.

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Post by kiwani »

All great shots, and the photoshop version is a work of art! You have a good eye for detail.
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh my goodness!!! She is beautiful! All the photos are wonderful. I agree the photoshop version is a work of art! I keep wanting to say that the one of her looking "sweet and innocent" is my favorite, but oh my gosh I love the one with the shepherds too!! Thanks for posting them! :D :D :D
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Post by Roxana »

Khana is very beautiful. In fact she looks a lot like my Dakota, especially in the second picture. Love the pix.

Post by Guest »

There she is!! I cannot get over how stunning she is! You have a real treasure on your hands!
Don't you just love photoshop? I play with it alot. Very beautiful pictures!!
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Post by Auddymay »

Lovely photographs. Khana has such pretty coloring. You didn't post any of your oldest Chow (Kylie?. I just love her face. She reminds me of what Lily will look like when she is mature...I think it's the fact that her 'skin' features (nose, lips, around the eyes) are light colored like Lily, and don't provide stark contrast.
The german shepard on the left in the first photo is funny, he looks like he and Khana are talking!
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Post by Sylvia »

Have you noticed that if you go to google and enter chow chow in the search, a baby picture of Khana is displayed with two other pictures of chows right above the link to the CCCI website. Khana is famous!!
Last edited by Sylvia on Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IliamnasQuest »

Thanks, everyone! I sure love this girl (of course, I love them all). She's a real character and never fails to make me laugh.

Sylvia, I had to go and do the google search - how funny that Khana's baby picture is up there! And what's even more funny is that it links from one of my sites but was taken from a fishing report I put up for the fishing lodge not long after I got Khana .. *LOL* .. there wasn't any fishing going on so I posted her photo and wrote a bit about her instead. It seems really odd that they found it from the fishing report. But then if you click on "image results" and look, it has her photo listed from some blog I've never heard of. Evidently someone had posted it on a blog.

I can't blame them, she's definitely a cutie.

I really enjoy playing in photoshop, and I tried about a dozen different filter changes on Khana's head photo - but that's the one I liked the most. It's her "diva" pose .. *L*

Auddymay .. Kylee is such a special old gal. It's hard to take photos of her now because her eyes are so weird .. they reflect differently and the pigment has faded so much around them that it looks really odd if the light hits the wrong way. But here's a page I did for her on her 14th birthday: http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/kylee14.html . I took pictures that day as we walked down to the lodge. It was time for just Kylee and I, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

I also have a page listing the various sites that I've put up about the "kids" and our adventures. http://www.peninsulayardsale.com/dogs/kids.html

The only thing on there that isn't really up is the blog - I had started a blog and then didn't get back to it for awhile and they deleted what I had written. So it's empty .. I may still get to it one of these days.

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Post by Debbie »

Kylie is beautiful and so serene in the picture at the Whitehorse dog show (blue ribbons). I didnt' have a chance to read all of the story, but had to chuckle at 2 things - 1. that you love the automatic credit card $ exchange from Canadian to American funds - it's just not so great for Canadian's because the price was so much higher (although that was a couple of years ago) and 2. that your credit card was denied and you couldn't figure it out until you went through your receipts and saw that you were overcharged $400.00 - it was a sympathy laugh though. :wink:

Khana is so gorgeous. Did you put mascara on those eyes? ;\

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Post by IliamnasQuest »

Hi Debbie -

Yep, I suppose when you're in Canada you look at the credit cards in a completely different way when traveling! *L* I'm sure more careful when I sign a credit card receipt .. my excuse was that I was dead tired and it was stormy out and I just wanted to be on my way so I could find a place to camp!

Kylee looked pretty relaxed in the middle of all those ribbons. She's such a good old gal - I pulled her out of retirement at the age of 11 and took her to the shows in Whitehorse for her to get her Canadian CD. And in typical Kylee style, she qualified all four times and earned her CD that one weekend. I have to admit that she spoiled me a bit .. she was such an amazing responsive dog and not nearly as bullheaded as Dora (my second chow). Khana is about half and half .. *L*

I just love the dark lining around Khana's eyes - no mascara used! I wish I had eyes that pretty. I'm looking at doing some Russian embroidery of chow faces (on some show clothes) and I was doing some sketches of her last night to see what I could come up with. Those eyes are just so expressive - I'll never be able to get anywhere near that with embroidery.

But that doesn't mean I won't try .. *L*

Melanie and the gang in Alaska
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