Is there anything any better than being owned by a chow?

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Post by goodas_AU »

Oh! they are just sooo cute, I love all of the pics, everyone has such nice looking chows!!!

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Post by chowfrnd88 »

I can't even imagine what the wait is like!!! Judy is right, you do need all those toys, especially the squirrel!!! It must be fun getting ready!! Maybe Molly will like kiddie pools if she likes wrestling in her water bowl!! That must be so adorable!

Post by Guest »

You are being warned now......Chingers was a "waterbowl" pup and he is OBSESSED with water!! He LOVES it......prepare yourself!!!!
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "This waiting is killing me for sure and I will be glad when we have her here to love. I am really curious to see how King Koda reacts to having a little princess in the house."


Rest up now, while you can :) and as to the "King", I feel it's going to be more of a Queen and Consort situation :lol:
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Post by ngraham »

Poor Amber is afraid no one will love Koda after Molly gets here. I keep telling her it won't be that way, that Koda will still be King, but she still worries. LOL She keeps telling him, that's ok buddy, sissy will always love you. <shaking head> He's a jealous box when he wants to be. I am really anxious to see how he reacts to Molly. Hopefully if she likes water so well, maybe some of that will rub off on Koda. :)
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Post by ngraham »

Other than getting her a collar and leash, we are about there for getting ready for Molly. Altho he looks like a big moose (LOL), it hasn't been that long since Koda was the baby, baby here and at 7 months he is still a baby. So we still have alot of the baby toys that he played with. But I am sure that Molly will get a few toys and things that are just hers. :) We are already set on puppy food for her since I have been trained the right here on the boards already through Koda's baby hood, altho I don't believe I will be feeding her the large breed formula of Nutro. Kiwani, will it be ok to give her the fish oil capsules or should I wait until she is bigger and get settled in? What other things do you suggest to make the transisition easier for her and also for the King? I will have her sleeping in my bedroom with us. Koda has started where he moves back and forth from my bedroom to the hall (by Amber's bedroom door LOL) and then back to my bedroom again.
I'm not really too worried about Koda as I am with Sam. He is such a spaz and plays so hard. I know we are going to have to watch him around Molly for awhile. Koda is getting where he is bigger than Sam and he can handle that rough wrestling, but little Molly isn't going to be able to. But then again, she may have enough spunk in her that she lays the law down right away and Sam will back off. It's sure going to be a learning experience for all of us. :)
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Post by Auddymay »

If I sleep up stairs, the dogs sleep equidistant from both upstairs bedrooms. If I sleep down stairs, or stay up late, they split, Pip usually goes up and Lily sticks by me, or goes in the kitchen to her favorite spot in front of the sink. She is my official 'dish washing buddy' because I have to straddle her, or push her over to wash dishes.
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Post by sweetpea »

The bigger ones just seem to know they cant play as rough as usual with the pups. And you'd be surprised at how tough little molly can be with Koda. When we got Gracie, I worried about Princess playing to rough with Gracie. I quickly figured out the one I had to feel bad for was Princess! Gracie would make sounds like she was being hurt by Princess but the facts were, Princess wasnt doing anything harmful to Gracie.
Then when my daughter brought her little pug puppy over, this tiny little thing with my two big dogs, I just knew they'd kill him. They just seemed to know he was a baby and they had to play a little differently with him. Once in awhile we'd have to settle them down, make them stop doing certain things that made us nervous watching. And the same with Kokomo, he would sound like he was being tortured, but we quickly discovered he wasnt. It was the other way around, the big dogs were being tortured by this little pug puppy!
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Post by ngraham »

Again, I am not too overly worried about Koda. He tends to be alot more gentler in play than Sam. Even when Koda plays with our ferret, he is alot gentler with him than Sam is. It's really funny to watch Koda and Max (the ferret) play. Max has run of the house (he uses a kitty box) and he runs after Koda, Koda gets him down and Max gets mad, breaks loose and runs under something to get away. Then as soon as Koda looses interest, Max runs out from whatever he's under and goes after Koda and the cycle starts again. But Koda has never hurt him. Sam on the other hand, being part beagle that he is, grabs Max and has his full head in his mouth and runs with him. He does tend to be rough. Hopefully he will see the difference in Molly than Koda. Nothing would make me any happier than to have Molly be a little spit fire and put Sam in his place. :) Koda tends to be more submissive, so he should get along fine with Molly after the initial shock of having to share Mommy and Sissy is past. I have an almost 5 year old cat that weighs all of about 9 pounds and Sadie has never had a bit of problem putting either of the dogs in their place. Both dogs will walk a wide circle around Sadie to avoid her. Both have experienced the "Sadie Swat" across their noses enough to know she means business. The other night I let Koda in from outside and he decided he was going to be brave and chase Sadie. She turned around, sat down and just stared him down. He put the breaks on real fast as he changed his mind. Both are sitting right next to each other right now looking out my patio door. There is total respect on Koda's part because he is fully aware of what she can and will do to him. LOL So I'd love it if Molly has a bit of that spit fire in her.
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Kiwani, will it be ok to give her the fish oil capsules or should I wait until she is bigger and get settled in? What other things do you suggest to make the transisition easier for her and also for the King?"


I would hold off on the fish oils for her for now since they are concentrated (was going to mention it to you before she arrived, plus a few other things :)

You could give her some fish morsels though, like sardines, or the salmon 'treats' to help with the itchies after getting
vaccinations. Since her immune system is most vulnerable now, I'd be more concerned with that aspect for now and that she'd be 'shedding' the vaccines.

Since you have so many other animals, I'd probably get her a crate or set up a pen to keep her safe. It'd help with house-training, and allow her to get naps, treats, etc. in peace. You also mentioned moving to a new home soon, and a crate would help make that transition easier too.
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Post by Judy Fox »

Milly loved sardines when she was a baby. I used to mash them up with a little bit of small bite mixer for one of her meals and she would wop it down and wash up her bowl thoroughly! :)

Then she would promptly fall fast asleep with a big tummy and big snores. :lol:
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Oh Nancy, it sounds like you're in for some adventures!! :D :D It's always so nice hearing about the early days, weeks, etc of everyone's chows. I often wonder what Special must have looked like in those stages, and what adventures he had! We're all so excited so excited for you and Koda and the gang!
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Post by ngraham »

kiwani wrote:
I would hold off on the fish oils for her for now since they are concentrated (was going to mention it to you before she arrived, plus a few other things :)

You could give her some fish morsels though, like sardines, or the salmon 'treats' to help with the itchies after getting
vaccinations. Since her immune system is most vulnerable now, I'd be more concerned with that aspect for now and that she'd be 'shedding' the vaccines.

Since you have so many other animals, I'd probably get her a crate or set up a pen to keep her safe. It'd help with house-training, and allow her to get naps, treats, etc. in peace. You also mentioned moving to a new home soon, and a crate would help make that transition easier too.
Thanks for the info about the fish oil capsules for Molly, Kiwani. :) What other things were you going to suggest?
As far as all of the other pets go... when we move, Sam is going outside on a permanent basis... pen and all. :) I love him, but he is just way too much to keep in the house. He is just way too spazy. I even asked Doc about doggie retilin for him. LOL With Amber's non-fur baby on the way, we're afraid he'll knock the bassinett over or something like that. He's just too much for a house dog. He isn't going to like it, but life goes on. The kids really need to find him a home out in the country so he has the freedom to chase bunnies and run like he thinks he needs to do. Max, the ferret, is going back into his cage. The house is alot bigger than where we are now and I have no idea what little hiding places exist, plus again with the baby coming, I don't want to take the chance there. Sadie is on solid ground... she refuses to mess with anyone or anything but me.... period. But Lucky may have to go to one of my other daughter's. He loves to get into your face at night and that worries me, again with the new baby being here. I hate to have to part with him because I love him to pieces, but I have alot of trouble getting him to stay out of my face when I am trying to sleep at night and I am just scared to death we won't be watching and he'll do that to the baby when he gets here. So for the most part, it will just be Koda, Molly and Sadie inside. We have baby gates and I will be gating off a place for her to be able to sleep and get her house trained. I told Amber we are going to have to quit taking in everyone's animals they decide they no longer want. That or get them a house of their own. :) I watch the rescue shows on Animal Planet at night where the ASPCA and whatever the other ones are have to come and remove a bunch of cats and dogs because people build up a collection of them. I keep thinking if this keeps up, they will be knocking on my door. :) I feel like a mini-zoo
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Post by Debbie »

I love the name Molly even better than Hannah! She is already a beautiful Jolly little Molly... can't wait to hear all about her when you get to pick her up!

When Rob and I went to pick Bear up 4 hours North of our City, I knew nothing about dogs, never having one growing up. Imagine my suprise when he threw up in the car and then began to eat it again! :-8 Initiation by fire!!

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Post by kiwani »

Re: "What other things were you going to suggest?"


I was going to suggest giving her boiled water for the first few days, since her immune system is so fragile right now. That way, in case she does get loose stools, you'll know it's not from the change in water or food. I am guessing you'll have some of the brand of food she's used to, to nibble on in the car, since it's such a long ride, along with some of the boiled water - plus some gentle puppy 'wipes' to spot clean her before you bring her into the house. That's enough advice for now... :)
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Post by ngraham »

kiwani wrote:Re: "What other things were you going to suggest?"


I was going to suggest giving her boiled water for the first few days, since her immune system is so fragile right now. That way, in case she does get loose stools, you'll know it's not from the change in water or food. I am guessing you'll have some of the brand of food she's used to, to nibble on in the car, since it's such a long ride, along with some of the boiled water - plus some gentle puppy 'wipes' to spot clean her before you bring her into the house. That's enough advice for now... :)
WOW.. I never thought about the boiled water, but that makes alot of sence. That's one thing that has never occured to me. But if water can affect humans, I could see where it would a tiny puppy. Bob is sending me home enough feed to make the transisition over from what she is being fed, over to the Nutro. I bought her her own bag of Nutro as I don't want to feed her the large breed formula that King Koda is on, who by the way is starting to get real "solid". He is such a nice looking chow boy. I know, spoken like a true mommy. :) I just hope he doesn't get too jealous. He is such a mommy and sissy's boy anyway. For the last couple of weeks, he has decided that he is a lap dog. LOL If he wants some attention, instead of jumping and putting both front paws in my lap, he has decided just jumping in my lap works alot better. It almost makes me wonder if he doesn't know that he is about to be invaded with a little sister. I know I probably shouldn't be allowing him to do that, but he is just so irrestible when he is giving you all those loves and kisses. I'm such a sucker for these guys. :)
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Post by Judy Fox »

I love the name Molly too. Jolly Molly is excellent - rather like my Silly Milly!! :lol:
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Post by kiwani »

Re: "Bob is sending me home enough feed to make the transisition over from what she is being fed, over to the Nutro."


I guess I tend to be very conservative about food handling, and would just prefer buying a fresh small bag of that kibble. The breeder probably buys feed by the pallet load, and with a large kennel, handling that range of dogs and pups, and touching so many bowls while loading feed, is something that would bother me. Just thought I'd mention it.

It's good to hear that Koda is building muscle now and doing well. As for the lap jumping and the anxieties concerning all the recent changes, it's important that he builds confidence too, and not be so demanding, otherwise he'll find it difficult dealing with stressors on his own.

Best wishes for the days ahead, and Congrats and *all* Best Wishes for the expected grandchild (due soon?)
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Post by chowfrnd88 »

Jolly Molly is too cute!! I love the name Molly with Hannah as the middle name!! :D It's just beautiful! Besdies, sweet Milly and Mabel made Special Dark aware of just how many names we call him anyway! Whether we're giving him love or whether he's in trouble, he's got a ton of them! :D
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Post by ngraham »

I'll have to get the name of the kibble again from the breeder and see if I can find it. He had told me what it was before and I don't remember what it was now. I'd never heard of it before, nor seen it. But that doesn't mean anything either. I'm not always the most observant person in the world.
Yes, Koda is doing so well. He is such a handsome boy. I love petting him and feeling that solid muscle mass. The bigger and more filled out her gets, the more stunning he is when he runs. He has come such a long way both socially and physically. I'm sure I will be coming here with help for Molly, but now I can give her a better start then what both Sasha and Koda had because of everything I have learned here since Koda and I joined. Alot of mistakes that I made with Koda won't be made with Molly. So already she will have a good start. It isn't high stress times that Koda decides to jump on my lap. Just when it is quiet and he decides he wants some extra attention. Just during quiet time watching tv or something. He is so funny. He has just turned into one of the sweetest boys. I am so lucky to be owned by him. My ONLY complaint with him is that I wished he would blow his puppy coat. I want to see real chow coat instead of chow fuzz. LOL The new grandbaby is due somewhere around August 22nd. <sigh> And it's a boy. He made that quite obvious when Amber had a sonogram this week. LOL
Nancy and Tai


Post by Guest »

I wanted to let you know what the breeder sent me as far as puppy food was concerned.....

It was this......

When I asked a Lab breeder that is on another forum what she thought of it, here is what she said........

"I see why she uses it.

Chicken, chicken meal, brewers rice, brown rice, whole grain ground wheat, corn gluten meal[ THAT'S A NO-NO], poultry fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols (a source of vitamin E), citric acid and rosemary extract), barley, oatmeal, beet pulp, digest of poultry, fish meal, flax seed, whole dried eggs, potassium chloride, brewers yeast, spray dried poultry liver digest, DL methionine, salt, chelated minerals (iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, manganese proteinate, cobalt proteinate, magnesium proteinate, yeast fermentation solubles), choline chloride, dried saccharomyces, fermentation solubles, (saccharomyces cerevisiae, enterococcus faecium, lactobacillus acidophilus, aspergillus niger, trichoderma longibrachiatum, bacillus subtillis) [THAT'S A BIG HELP-KEEPS THE PUP FROM GETTING DIARRHEA], maltodextrins and fermentation solubles), vitamins (vitamin A acetate, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin supplement, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement), taurine, vitamin C, yucca schidigera extract.

If he says he insists you stay with this, I would get a bit of it from him. Otherwise use Nutro ULTRA. If he will not guarantee the pup against diarrhea unless you use his food, I would not blame her a bit. Chances are, if you switch foods, you will get a floral overbalance, your vet will call it Parvo, and the circus will begin..."
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Post by ngraham »

That was it. LOL He knows I am gonna switch her over to Nutro, and said he will send enough home with me to make the switch. But like Kiwani said, maybe I ought to get a small fresh bag to get her switched over. I did buy her her own Nutro since I don't feel she will need the large breed formula that I feed King Koda. I bought some of the Nutro Ultra snacks for Koda and he refuses to touch them and Sam isn't overly fond of them, and usually he will inhale anything. I keep thinking I ought to buy a bag for the dogs because I know that would probably be alot better for them, but I hate buying dog food and then they refuse to eat it. I know I can always donate it to Doc or the animal shelter, but I am such a tight wad, that if I am gonna buy dog food, they are gonna eat it and I just don't think Koda will. I keep hoping they will have samplers at Persmart but they never do. :(
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Post by Auddymay »

Do you know how big Molly's parents are?

Post by Guest »

ngrahm, you should try Canidae.......I was a diehard Natural Balance person until I tried Canidae! OMG!!! That is the best stuff I have EVER used! Chi-Ching looks dramatically better, and he was on natural balance from the day we got him. He poops less, it does not stink hardly at all, it starts to turn white in the yard after only a couple days(if I forget to clean it!) I have him on Canidae and my cats on Felidae and the cats will NEVER be off of it! I can go a couple 3-4 days without cleaning it and still not smell anything! And I have FOUR cats! (Don't worry, I clean the cat box more often that that! :D )
I was skeptical and didn't want to try it but I noticed a huge difference after the second bag. He is now on his third bag and he eats less, and just seems over all happier!
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Post by ngraham »

Auddymay wrote:Do you know how big Molly's parents are?
Yes, her momma is about 50 pounds, her daddy is about 60 pounds. So I doubt she will be the size of King Koda. :) For some reason tho, I have this feeling that she will be a little spit fire tho. LOL She has been totally weaned and Momma is away from them now. This was a big litter, 9 pups. So I guess they are always busy playing. Can you imagine 9 chow pups to play with? One is a handful. LOL Molly is still playing in her water bowl. That ought to prove to be fun when we get her home in a week. :)
Nancy and Tai

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